I'll see you soon

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Betty was standing in the doorway of her childhood home with her three year old daughter in her arms. She was terrified of everything that's happening right now but this was the best option for her daughter to be safe.

Alice opened the door and saw her daughter and granddaughter Hailey, both who she hadn't seen for over a year.

Alice- Betty what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in so long.

She didn't reply, she just handed her daughter over to her mother and gave her a kiss.

Hailey- Mommy don't go.

Betty- I have to love. But I'll see you soon, okay? (tears)

The little girl nodded and looked at her grandmother as her mother ran away.

Alice- Betty wait!

It was too late...

She was gone.


Five months had passed and Betty still hadn't come back for her daughter, who was now four years old.

Alice walked to Hailey's room to check on her but she wasn't there. She got a little nervous so she ran downstairs to see if she was there.

As soon as she got to the main floor she saw Haily sitting right next to the window looking out, like she always was.

Alice- Hey sweetie.

Hailey- Hi grandma.

Alice- What are you doing?

Hailey- Waiting for mommy.

Alice- Honey, why don't we do something else today like go to the park?

Hailey- No, I need to wait for mommy.

Alice- I know sweetie but maybe we should take a break from that.

Hailey- What if mommy comes back while we're gone?

Alice- Then she will wait for us.

Hailey- I can't go, I have to stay here.

Alice- Okay.

She walked over to her granddaughter and sat next to her. She pulled the little girl into her lap and hugged her while kissing her head.

Then her stomach started to grumble.

Alice- Are you hungry?

She nodded and giggled slightly.

Alice- What would you like to eat?

Hailey- Pancakes!

Alice- Do you want to go to Pops?

Hailey- What if mommy comes?

Alice- Then we can leave a note for her saying we will be right back.

The little girl nodded and she wrote a note for her mother.

Alice- Are you ready to go?

She nodded once again and the two of them walked to Pops together.

As they got there they went to a booth and ordered their food...then the bell to pops had rung.

Hailey looked towards the door and saw the person she had been waiting for.

She jumped out of the booth and ran to the young women only to see that she was crying.

Hailey- Mommy...

Betty- Hailey...

The little girl hugged her mother's legs and Betty bent down to hug her.

Hailey- I missed you mommy. (cries)

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