Finding you pt 1

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Layla Jones had been in the foster care system since she was born. Her mother, Betty Cooper, gave her up for adoption as soon as she had given birth to her at 19 years old. Layla didn't know anything about her parents...and the baby daddy, Jughead Jones, didn't know anything about Layla.

Now Layla is 13 years old.

She has been moving from house to house since she was a baby, but for the last six months she has been in Greendale.

Her foster parents have two children of their own but also foster two children. And though it seems like they'd be a perfect family to live with, it is far from perfect.

The bio siblings are spoiled brats that get everything they want, and the fosters are pushed to the side by the parents who don't actually care and are only in it for the money.

And Layla can't take it anymore. So she called her social worker.

She met the woman in her office and paced the entire time while she spoke.

Layla- Mrs. Weiss, please, I can't live with them anymore. They are terrible people. I need to be moved. (tears)

Mrs. Weiss- Sweetheart, you have been moved too many times, there are barely any homes left.

Layla- Then emancipate me, please. (tears)

Mrs. Weiss- You know we can't legally do that until you are 16.

Layla- I'm almost 16! I can do it! Please! (tears)

Mrs. Weiss- Layla, you're only 13, I can't emancipate you.

Layla- (whispers) T-Then let me talk to my parents, I'm sure they could figure something out- (tears)

Mrs. Weiss- Honey, you know I'm not allowed to do that either.

Layla- Please, I'm begging you! I can't stay with them anymore! (cries)

Mrs. Weiss- Sweetheart, you need to calm down.

Layla- I can't. (cries)

The woman walked over to her and wrapped her arms around the girl before kissing her cheek softly.

Mrs. Weiss- Let me get you some water, I'll be right back.

Layla nodded and watched as the woman walked out the door. But as soon as the door shut, she smiled and wiped her tears.

She walked over to the woman's desk and pulled out all of her files. She quickly found the one with her name on it and took a picture of all of the documents before putting everything back where she found it.

Then, as Mrs. Weiss walked back in, she saw the girl sitting on the floor in the corner.

Mrs. Weiss- (sighs) Honey, I'm sorry.

The woman went over to her and sat next to the young girl.

They talked for a little while longer before Layla went home, but as soon as she walked in the door, all she heard was yelling.

Dan- Look who finally showed up! (yells)

She walked in and saw the grown man standing around a bunch of broken glass.

Layla- I-I'm sorry, I was in a meeting. (softly)

Dan- With who? You don't do anything important! (yells)

She scoffed and tried to walk past him to try to get away, but he grabbed her arm roughly before shoving her onto the couch.

Dan- Answer me when I am speaking to you! (yells)

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