Chapter 6

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It's been a month. Tay and New have gotten closer quickly than they expected. They are always with each other, but that doesn't mean that they get along. They mostly argue everywhere they can, in the classroom, restroom, cafeteria, gym, the middle of the street—anywhere. Especially with New's attitude and temper, Tay couldn't pass a day without a quarrel with the young boy.

Even Arm, Off, and Mild felt out of place when they started arguing about trivial matters like which drink flavors are available in the cafeteria.

Of course, New still loves making Tay get into trouble. 

"Mr. Techaapaikhun, where's your assignment number 3?" The teacher called out New's last name as she noticed that the boy's paper was missing. New's face was buried in his desk, probably sleeping in the middle of the class. He just waits until the class is over and he can immediately go to Tay and plan how he will ruin the older's day. "Mr. Techaapaikhun! You're sleeping in my class a hundred times!" The teacher raised her voice after getting no response from the young boy. This time, New got up and faced the teacher. "You better go with me to the office," she added and left the room.

The class starts to whisper again, not removing their eyes from him. He got used to it. Every time he gets attention, all of his classmates do is talk about him whenever they are in front of him or behind him. They didn't attempt to hide it anymore because they knew that the white skin boy won't budge to talk to them. After the teacher left, he followed her, but before he could enter the teacher's room, he heard a bunch of boys mentioning Tay's name. He stopped for a second to listen.

"Mild likes that nerd Tay."

"Yeah, that's why Preed got rejected."

"Should we beat him up?"

"No, Mild will be mad at me! I plan to put cigarettes in his bag and tell the teacher about it."

He heard his teacher calling his name, but he ignored it. He's clenching his fist. He's mad.

"Mr. Techaapaikhun, I am calling you—where will—Oh my!" The teacher can't even finish a single sentence because of how New moved so fast.

New went straight to the teacher's room to grab a cup of coffee not checking if it was hot or what and flash it to the bunch of boys who tried to set up Tay. Other students were shocked by it, even some of them got splashed and stained their white uniform. 

"What the fuck!" one guy yelled and glared at the person who flashed coffee on them, good thing it wasn't that hot anymore or it will be worse than getting them wet and dirty. He stepped forward to confront the younger or even attempted to hurt him, but he was taken aback after the younger threw the cup in front of him, completely shattered on the floor.

"M-Mr. Techaapaikhun!" Even the teacher can't talk properly because how she was surprised and scared of the kid. She can't even step forward toward the white skin boy when her legs are shaking from fear. The boys back out immediately. 

New was sent to the guidance office. He was asked what happened and why he did that, but he refused to say anything.

"New Techaapaikhun, for the hundredth time, why did you do that? Did they bully you or hurt you? Is this some kind of revenge? Tell me so we know what's behind your action!" The head teacher, Mr. Panhakarn, is getting frustrated with how New is keeping his silence. He sighed before speaking again. "Did you do that for someone else?"

New's head raised and he shook his head. "No," he replied. He added, "Why would I do that for someone else? I'm not a pushover."

Mr. Panhakarn massages his temple, it feels like he is talking to a wall, too hard. "It's not being a pushover, New. Oh god, please, make this easy for the both of us,"

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