Chapter 20

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New was getting a few chips, chocolate, and drinks for himself and Bella. He planned to do a movie marathon with her sister today that's why he went home after their class but something that Namtan said is bothering him.

It's true that it's not impossible but he's 80 percent that it's not Bella. He doesn't know how sure he is but he will just trust his guts for now. Besides, he doesn't want to ruin this day because of that. He was staring at the drinks inside the fridge when someone suddenly grab his shoulder.

"You can't pick a drink?" It's Bella.

"I-I, I will pick root beer," New answered, surprised at her sister's appearance. "Do you drink root beer?" He asked.

Bella nodded. "Yes." 

New grabbed the biggest bottle of root beer and put it in his cart. "Uhm, what about a" New asked again.

Bella chuckled and nodded. "Mom's not home. So, what's this for?"

New was hesitant to answer her since he doesn't know how to tell her he will watch a movie with her. "I was planning to watch a movie. Are you free? What about watching a movie with me?"

"Of course, for my brother." Something in New's chest hurt after hearing the word brother from Bella. He sighs, it's normal to have this resentment in his heart for now because this won't just go away in a click. New nodded as he stepped on the counter to check out. "Can I pay for it instead?" Bella offered

"Why?" New asked.

"I figured out that Mom wasn't really giving you enough allowance, so let me have this," Bella said.

"I saved money but thanks. It helps me a lot."

"Want me to tell you a secret?" Bella said. New nodded in response. "I'm actually afraid of you saving money." She said with a sad smile on her face.

Though she didn't explain, he knows what she was trying to say. "I won't run away. I still have a goal."

It's none other than Tawan.

"What's after when you achieved your goal?" Bella asked. She grabbed her wallet and pay for the food. "You will still move out."

"That's different from running away. I'm an adult by that time and I need my own space. You know the situation." New grabbed the two paper bags on the counter. "I bet you will move out before I could," New said.

"How do you say so?"

"You're dating someone." New simply answered. Bella kept quiet as they went to their house. "Shouldn't you introduce your boyfriend to me before moving out?"

Bella sighed "No one's moving out, New."

"Still, introduce him to me. Does mom knows?" Bella bit her lips and shook her head. "If things work out the way I wanted, I will introduce you to someone special for me. You will be the first one to know."

Bella smiled. "You grew up, you have someone you like huh?"

"Of course."

They arrived at their house and start to prepare the food. New put the chips into a bowl and grabbed a bucket of ice to put the can of beer. He loves when it's cold.

"What are we going to watch?"

"Do you have any idea?" Bella shrugged as she went to her room to change clothes. While New cleaned the countertop before he change his clothes. He was planning to take a shower but It might take him too long to finish.

He stepped on the trash can to make it open but before he could dump the trash he saw something familiar. He extend his neck to take a look closer and he stop breathing after he realized where can cup came from. His sweat starts to build up on his forehead, refusing to believe what he just saw but he still wants a confirmation. He shakily grabbed his phone and took a picture of it. Send it to Namtan to confirm if the cups and paper bag came from Tay's shop. It took a minute for his friend to reply. 

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