☠️ Grim Reaper! Reader [2]

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Written on; 2/02/22
Chapter Title; Familiar Place.

Setting foot into the surface world. The portal that once manifested disappeared. Glancing at your surroundings, you ended up in a forest. The sky was crystal blue, clear of clouds, the sun brightens the said forest with its natural light. Large pine trees that were lightly covered in snow almost like dusted in powdered sugar. You touched the snow covered branches of the tree. It didn't feel that cold to you. Strange you thought. Woodland critters that inhabit the forest were either on trees or scampering on the ground and hiding into the flourished bushes. As you continued walking and admiring the flora and fauna. It's nice to see something- different. From time to time.

Your curiosity and sense of awe for the forest was abruptly at a halt when you saw an imp. Notable feature was the striking red horns protruding out from his unkempt blonde hair and large crimson bat wings and a long pointed devil's tail. What separated him from a demon was his legs; appearing like the back legs of a goat. That was an imp alright. He seemed to be standing there as his back was facing you. He seemed to be muttering something. You decided to ask him as you phased through the ground and reappear from the ground up. Causing the blonde imp to jump back from your sudden appearance as he screamed;


You weren't sure if his yell would have caught someone's attention by now. Before he could freak out anymore you quickly placed your index finger near your skull mask for him to 'hush' which he did. His posture was stiff as a statue yet shaking in fear. To be fair, you spooked him. However, you were unsure of his intentions being in the surface world. You had to be careful at least.

The two of you were just standing and staring at one another, you soon pointed at him and then spread arms wide as if questioning him, 'why are you here?'. You then rested one hand on your hip whilst your other hand held the scythe. Awaiting for his answer.

The imp quickly spoke, "L-look, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to-hhgh!" His eyes kept looking at the blade of your weapon as he struggled to explain, "I just...argh!" You could see how his eyes continuously took rapid glimpses at your scythe, thinking you were going to harvest his hellish soul. You had a feeling that he really meant no harm. In which, you made your scythe automatically fold to a reasonable size that is hidden behind the back of your cloak.

You wanted to make sure you weren't intimidating him anymore than you unnecessarily needed to. He seemed to calm down a bit more than a few seconds ago. You were waiting for him to speak once more, wanting to know about his presence. He got the message as soon as he saw your foot tapping on the ground as if you were waiting for him to continue, "I-I don't know, it just...happened?" The imp hesitated at the last second, almost doubting what he was saying was the truth.

Tilting your head in confusion, not understanding if he's unaware what's happening or just lying because he's hiding something. The tension was just causing too much pressure for the imp and began spitting what seems to be the truth.

"A-alright, I'll tell you but- promise me you're not going to h-harvest me." He pleaded.

You raised both your hands, indicating you weren't going to do any of the horrible things. Though you wondered what kind of stories were they broadcasting in Hell? The imp continued his explanation or so you believed, "I..." he started before taking a breath but soon evaded his answer to redirect a different topic, "We should get out of the forest...so..." he paused for a bit as you stared at him making the blonde nervous as this prompted him to speedily walk pass you as he exclaims, "Let's go!"

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