🎀 Craig's Cousin! Reader [2]

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Written on; 21/02/22 - April.
Chapter Title: Your Arrival.

South Park.
A day before your arrival.

At the Tucker residence. The family ate dinner in silence. Though the two teens would hear some news from their father, "Ok, your mother and I have news for you two..." this caught the attention of Tricia and Craig. They glanced at him, "-your cousin, Y/n. She's coming back."

This came as a surprise for the siblings. After all these years. You're returning? The question was, were you still the same that they remembered?

Craig questioned, "What?" He didn't know what to think. He was unsure if you changed or just decided to come back, perhaps you were bored but he did remember your breakdown- it was the worst he could've seen. Though, Craig was going to be uncertain about this.

Although, Tricia blatantly says, "At least she's a cool cousin," and slightly glares at Craig, "-unlike my boring brother." The strawberry blonde teen had high hopes that the two of you would hangout and you would show her cool fighting moves. As witnessed when she was younger.

Both siblings glared at each at the table whilst eating their dinner. It didn't help that these two would get into some arguments due to them disagreeing with little common interest they believe to have.

The dark haired teen rolled his eyes at his younger sister and pointed out, "Uh huh, like you're any better trying to act like her." It was partly true- Tricia had been acting tough as you told her to years ago.

This caused his sister to yell out "Get fucked!" As she gave her brother the bird. In return Craig used both hands to flip his sister off, "That's nice, sis."

Their father stopped his kids from arguing, "That's enough! When your cousin is coming over tomorrow, be on your best behaviour."

While their mother adds, "It's best not to start a fight otherwise Y/n might join in. We don't want that."

Your aunt and uncle both remembered- mostly remembered your temperamental and gung-ho behaviour. They couldn't just say 'no'. Well, your uncle can easily decline. Only because you were serious trouble to handle. Your uncle does care but the majority of what he remembers was when you frequently came home with a detention slip or suspension notice. It was more than Craig would get. Moreover, he would get an abundance from the school counsellor of your unruly attitude. Let's not forget about neighbours who kept calling about this. Which disappointed him- you couldn't just play with dolls, do arts and crafts, play basketball or whatever normal kids do- but no, you got into brawls like a street fighter instead.

However, your aunt thinks of you just like another daughter- for you to return was both pleasant but worrying at the same time. Sometimes she wanted you to be the good older role model for Tricia and Craig. Knowing you were at least a year older than her eldest son. She remembers how her youngest daughter, Tricia would imprint you- who followed you around the house like a little duckling. It was one of the few memories that was nice. Though, she wished you didn't teach Craig how to punch as he had gotten himself into a heap of trouble before.

Nevertheless, both adults were prepared for your arrival. Unbeknownst, that they had no idea what they would soon see.


That following day, at the school cafeteria. Craig told his friends what his parents had told him and his sister yesterday. His friends were just as shocked or scared- preferably Clyde.

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