🎀 Craig's Cousin! Reader [3.5]

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Written on; 24.02.22
A/N: Unfortunately, given this has been months ago. I don't remember where this was placed...


The next day of this weekend. Your aunt and uncle had left early this morning to go somewhere leaving just you, Craig and Tricia in the house for the day. While Craig was boredly watching television about space rangers and what not. You had been making lunch this time as Tricia was trying to help out and watching how you did it. Though she wasn't able to keep up with your fast chopping skills.

Seeing Tricia chopping the onions at a normal and careful pace but she suddenly felt the stinginess from the said onions. Hence, making her eyes water. She immediately stopped and strayed away from the tear jerking vegetable, "How'd you do that?"

"With years of practice." You twirled the kitchen knife pretty skilfully as you cheerfully smiled, "—but you shouldn't do what I just did there." Tricia just snickered a laugh when you were.

She was somewhat curious about what you were making when you asked her to help cut the onions, "So...is this dish just onions or?"

"Glad you asked, Soupe à l'oignon."

You giggled at the strawberry blonde teen's reaction. Her eyes squinted in confusion as she said, "What?"

"It's French onion soup."

She seemed a bit grossed out, due to the name, "So just onions as a soup?"

You shook your head thinking that was hilarious and smiled, "It has cheese and a side of croutons." Tricia seemed quite relieved as she thought of something else. As you were prepping the onions, "You can grate the cheese."

"Okay then." She was fine with that, better than her eyes feeling really watered.

You heard the door knock but Craig answered. Hearing a few voices greeting him until you heard a yell saying 'No' in repetition. You wonder what's that about. However, you kept focusing on cooking. Didn't want the dish to burn.


When Craig opened the door, to see his friends— he forgot that they would show up.

Clyde replies with a lot of energy today, "Yo bro! What's up!" While Tolkien and Jimmy also said 'Hey' as well.

"Oh hey." He casually greets his friends whilst inviting them in. When walking into the house, they could smell an aroma of food. They were curious about the food until Craig mentions, "Oh yeah my cousin is here too."

Uh oh— The brunette stopped smiling and had the face of fear as if he came across a jump scare,
"NONONONONONONONO!!!" Clyde was about to run away until Craig caught the collar of his friend's red and white varsity jacket. He was already irritated by the already terror stricken brunette being unnecessarily scared over you because of the past, "Dude, fucking stop."

"We can't j-just judge somebody over the p-p-past." Jimmy had a point right there.

Tolkien nodded in agreement, "Come on, Clyde. You're overreacting."

That statement further made the brunette become hysterical. He will never forget the menacing aura and deadly eyes that would kill with a look, "Me? Overreacting?" He points his index finger at the kitchen, "Through that doorway is the—"

You walked out the kitchen with Tricia holding bowls of freshly made French onion soup, "I didn't know there were guests!" You soon recognised Craig's friends, you gave a welcoming smile, "Luckily I made a batch. You can never make too much." Quickly placing the food on the dining table. You went back to the kitchen to get more soup for the other guys.

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