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YOU CHOKED on her question, " mom, what the fu— " you started, but was halted by your mother's tut

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YOU CHOKED on her question, " mom, what the fu— " you started, but was halted by your mother's tut.

" language, y/n. be more of a woman in front of your— " her words cut off as she fully take a look on kazuha. " oh my, he's handsome. "

kazuha let out a chuckle, " thank you for the compliment, mrs. schnhėlm. " bowing slightly at your mom. this made the woman's mouth slightly agape as she gasped. " and respectful too. call me mom, sweetheart. "

" MOM STOP! " you begged, cheeks heating up as kazuha just snorted, finding your situation quite amusing. " he's .. not my boyfriend or any sort. "
you muttered, quite flustered at your own statement.

the man before you lets out a heavenly chuckle at the misunderstanding, whilst your mom gave you a 'seriously?' kind of face.

" well that's unfortunate, anyways apologies for the sudden appearance of mine. i'll be taking this little girl here, and you should probably go home since it's late. " your mom stated, giving the platinum haired boy a gentle smile, making the said boy smile back at her. " what's your name young boy? "

" kazuha, kaedehara kazuha. " the said boy answered immediately out of respect, to be honest your mom quite intimidated him a bit, but she seemed nice enough.

your mom hummed for a few seconds while you were gathering your things on the bench you once ate on.

" kaedehara? that's such a familiar name. do you by chance know someone who goes by the name, beidou? " your mom queries, staring at kazuha.

kazuha nods his head, " yes, she's my mother. "

his answer made both you and your mom let out a small gasp, you never really knew about kazuha's family. you even thought he's alone since well he lives alone.

" so you are the son she keeps talking about. well it's nice to meet you, kazuha. i would love to get to know the son of beidou but, it's getting quite late. take care on your way home, kid. "

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