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it's good, you're in a good mood. the weather felt nice albeit cloudy and about to rain, the small rumbles from afar is like music to your ears as you cuddled your blanket with a sweet smile.

your mother wasn't home, she said she had business to attend to. it wasn't out of the usual, given the fact that she is indeed a busy woman.

ever since you went home from that day, you couldn't contain the smile that creeps up your face, nor could you resist it either. were you really acting like a dumb school girl in love?

a ring was heard throughout your empty apartment, making you jump in surprise, but you got out of bed and went to go answer the telephone.

" hello-! "

" y/n, my lovely daughter. "


scarlet eyes stared at the pouring rain from his bedroom window as sounds of pitter-patters drown him in. looking down, he stared at numbers of unsent poems sitting idly on his once neat desk.

" love is so troublesome. " he sighed, gently placing down his pen as he felt a soft nudge from his ankle, along with a soft purr. " you think so too, mewo? "

he thinks he's going crazy, how could he be so affected over such a trivial thing? so what if it's one sided? he couldn't do anything about it either way, maybe that's why he's so bothered by it. it's because he's helpless.

he heaved out a sigh as he stands up and lets himself fall on the soft comfort of his bed, his little companion following suit. closing his eyes, he thought of all the other girls do for him- like how he would do everything for you.

how many times had he sighed today? more than his fingers could count probably, and it's still morning.

maybe he should've just stick into reading, writing, and all the things he usually did.

but he didn't. so now, all he has is himself to blame- for falling for your pretty little smiles for him, or at least what he believes is for him.

the downpour didn't falter even for a second and instead poured harder, as though the weather is mocking his feelings. the thought made him roll his eyes, he really is going crazy.

he closed his eyes, opting to take a small nap. however, before he could fully give in to the embrace of his slumber, his phone ringed annoyingly throughout his room.

he stared at the contact name- hu tao, what could she want with him? he answered it nonetheless.




your line is
getting crappy.

hu tao?





and then the phone had lost its place on his hand, falling immediately on the carpeted floor of his room. he's no idiot, despite the weak connection of their call, he could decipher what hu tao meant to say- that you had gone missing.

kazuha didn't know what to do, but before he could even think what he's doing, he's already grabbing his hoodie, stepping outside as he could care less about the heavy downpour.

he is going to find you no matter what.


news of you going missing had spread fast, kazuha noted as he looked at your friends' constant posts each minute if there had been any signs of you.

he was long drenched by the rain, yet despite that, he was still in search for you. he had tried to call your phone and telephone number several times, and yet to no avail, both numbers are left unattended.

where could you have gone to?

he had checked all cafes nearby, from downtown all the way to the airport. if he wasn't so caught up in you going missing, he would've felt the aching of his feet.

" fuck.. " the man let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, looking frantically left and right. he thinks he's going crazy.

he stopped for a moment, panting under the shed as it shields himself from the rough raindrops of the rain.

as he looked up to look around his surroundings, he spots a familiar figure at the entrance of the airport— he knows it's you, it has to be you.

and so, he sprints across the highway, running towards the entrance— chasing you.

he hastily looks around as soon as he reached the airport, hoping for any signs of you again.

and he did.

as another familiar figure shielded you from a stranger— he doesn't really look like a stranger to you but that isn't important. kazuha was too focused on the way the man attempted to hit you while a certain indigo-haired appeared infront of you to take the hit.

ah, he was too late again.


so... midterms....
anyways this is so
short ☠️☠️🪦

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