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         TODAY WAS the day you were anticipating for, the graduation

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TODAY WAS the day you were anticipating for, the graduation. let's be honest, you didn't really think you'd be graduating years ago. surprisingly, you did.

the program already finished but loud chatters and music still echoes through the whole stadium. you were waiting for your friends as of the moment to congratulate them, however, you did not caught sight of even a single one of them.

" where'd they go? " you muttered silently, looking left and right hoping to spot them. but to no avail, you found no one.

the stadium was getting cramped and suffocating so you just headed outside, thinking maybe you'll see them there. alas, you found yourself outside still with no signs of the five. you were starting to worry so you decided to call them.

however, before you could even dial one of them, a voice interrupts you.

" y/n— ah, are you busy? "

you turned to look at the person, finding yourself to see those familiar red streak again. " kazuha? " you ask, wondering why he came to you. " oh i— not really? i was just looking for my friends. have you seen them? "

he gently rubs his nape, sending you a sheepish smile. " ah, sadly no. " kazuha answered, feeling a bit bad for not knowing where they are. you just nodded at him, saying it's alright, in which he replies with a nod.

" oh, congratulations by the way! " you greeted him with a grin, sending a thumbs up. kazuha smiled softly at the gesture, raising his hand to do the same. " congratulations to you too. do you have any plans after? "

you thought for a while, but shook your head after a few seconds. " no, i'm free after. why? want to take me out? " you laughed, you only said it as a joke, however your laughter halted as you heard kazuha's words.

" sure. "

and honestly, you didn't want to reject the opportunity to hang out with the boy. so, you just smiled in response. " i'll have to go home to change though. "

focus on me .ᐟ  scaramouche Where stories live. Discover now