Found & Taken [17]

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Thank you @HNlazy for the cool banner at the side :) x

Isabella's P.O.V

I stepped into my room, being accompanied by my mom who was carrying my bag of clothes. 3 days after Nathan left, I made up my mind to leave too. Nathan was right when he said I need to stop being selfish. I ran away from home because I was being selfish to my parents. I lied to Nathan because I was being selfish to the other fans out there. And I need to stop that.

My parents didn't welcome me too well but it was fine because I was at fault. Not until I told them that I had used the time I was away from home to think thoroughly about the arranged marriage and I agreed to it. It was a lie, but I just wanted to make up for the things that I have selfishly done.

"Should I keep the clothes in your wardrobe or bring it down to have it washed?" mom asked.

"It's alright, mom. Leave it aside and I'll sort it out later," I told her.

"I'll be downstairs if you need anything," she informed and I nodded.

As soon as mom left, I dumped myself on the bed. Soft. Comfy. But it won't give me the same experience as I did when I was with Nath in the cabin. I shook my head, knowing that I shouldn't think about Nathan anymore. It wasn't his fault. Not at all. But I was disappointed that our 'relationship' ended just like that for my own mistakes.

I got out of bed and dragged myself to the bag of clothes. I cleared them all until I reached a black leather jacket and a teddy bear. Nathan. The jacket belongs to him and the teddy bear was the one that he got it for me, on that very day that he left.

How am I supposed to forget about him when I brought all of the memories we had, along with me? Slowly, tears streamed down my face as I realized how much I was missing him and that I really loved him.


I turned around quickly and wiped off the tears, "Yes, dad."

"You free tomorrow?" he asked as he stepped into my room. We never had a good relationship before and it was really hard to have him to start the conversation first. So, should I be grateful right now?

"Yes, dad," I answered even though I was still very tired from the journey back here.

"Good. We're meeting Adam, your future husband and his dad tomorrow in the office. We'll have to discuss about your marriage the soonest. Be ready tomorrow by lunch time, is that clear?"

"Yes, dad," I answered again and he left. Yeah, that's it. That's exactly is it. He arranged a marriage with a businessman who is wealthy enough to help him with his business and I, had to be his target for achieving all of that.

2 weeks later...

All of the preparations were made by my parents and Adam's. They had a date fixed in the next two weeks for the wedding to take place. Things were made in rush, with the reason to not let me have any time to even think of running away again.

I was on my way with Adam, in his car to the boutique to collect our wedding dresses. I wanted to be one of that girl who managed to survey wedding dresses with their boyfriends or fiance and spend hours in the boutique, and will eventually irritated my partner. But nope, arrangements were all made by our parents and we have no say.

"Why did you agree with the marriage?" Adam asked me, breaking the silence in the car, but his voice were soft and calmed.

"I didn't have the choice," I answered truthfully, "Why did you?"

"We're on the same boat. I didn't have any choice either. But before we got married, I need to tell you something."


"I have a girlfriend. And I can't probably just break-up with her like that. She doesn't know that I'm getting married or an arrangement was made for me. So, later when we're married, I just want you to know that I would still have to see her. I know it's unfair for you but I don't mind with you meeting your boyfriend or anything," Adam explained.

"Yeah, okay," I said to him and that was all that managed to choke out from my mouth, because I felt like a toy. But if that was one of the criteria to not be selfish, then I'm fine.

Nathan's P.O.V

The past two weeks was really tiring. I was introduced back to the public and the management and I came up with a made up story as to cover my absence for the past two months. It was chaotic at first but it was getting better and I've got 3 days to spend with my family before we need to get back to work as one, as The Wanted.

I had told them that I met a family in one of the village in Indonesia and they helped me through because I had a bad injury from the accident of the jet. Yes, a lie.

I told no one about Bella. No one, except Jay. Not that I didn't trust the rest of the boys but I had told Jay once and for all with hope that would be the last time I'm talking about her. Telling the rest of the boys would meant that I have to repeat the same story over and over again, which made it difficult to forget about Bella.

But nothing works. I've missed her tea, her french toast, her laughter, her with eyes rolling at every single thing that she was annoyed with, her as my bolster, her as my pillar and my girlfriend. And most of all,

I've actually missed her, for her.

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