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The Titans are gathered before the screen, which shows Slade's face. He is in some sort of industrial area.

Slade: Good morning, Teen Titans. I do hope I didn't wake you. 

Beast Boy: What are you, an insomniac? Who calls at five in the morning-

Raven elbows him in the side to cut him off.

Robin: What do you want? 

Slade: Well, that's precisely what you've been trying to find out, isn't it? And in spite of all your efforts, you're still in the dark about my intentions. Disappointing, Robin. I expected a little more from you.

Robin: Like I care what you-

Slade: But since you've been unable to discover my plan, I suppose I'll just have to reveal it myself.

Pan away from him on the end of this line. Two of his commando robots are standing next to a large object covered with a tarp.

Slade: I'm sure you're all familiar with the concept of a Chronoton Detonator.

The tarp is pulled away as he says this. Underneath it is a large, egg-like piece of machinery with a couple of red lights set into its surface. The upper portion telescopes toward the ceiling, giving a view of the circuitry inside and more sets of lights. 

Cyborg: No! 

Starfire gasps.

Raven: Uh-oh.

Beast Boy: No way! Um, what's a crouton detonator?

No one seems to hear Beast Boy, however they pick up on y/n's question.

y/n: What can you see?

Starfire: A Chronoton Detonator. It eradicates all chronotrons within a localized area, utterly destroying the temporal component of the space-time continuum. 

Beast Boy: Hmm?

Raven: It stops time. Permanently. 

Beast Boy cries out and faints.

Cyborg: If he triggers that thing downtown, it'll freeze-frame the entire city.

Robin: Tell me where!

Slade: You're a clever boy, Robin. I'm sure you and your little friends can figure it out. However, since I control the detonation, time is not on your side.

The screen fills with static, and Robin slams a fist down on the computer keyboard with a frustrated grunt. Now the window has cleared.

Robin: Fan out! Find it! Shut it down!

He storms toward the door, but Beast Boy and Cyborg move to block his path.

Beast Boy: Hey, uh, maybe you should stay here and coordinate the search. 

Robin: What?

Cyborg: Man, when it comes to Slade, you've got issues.

Cyborg has pointed a finger at Robin's temple and is twirling it in the classic "this guy has a screw loose" gesture.

Cyborg: Might be better for the team if you sit this one out. 

Robin: No. There's too much at stake for me to-

Starfire: -Robin...

He stops at her mention of his name. 

Robin: I made a mistake, Starfire. It won't happen again. I can handle it. I promise.

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