Internal radar

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Opening shot: the serene pink landscape and yellow sky. A small strawberry floats past the path; follow it over to three extremely bewildered Titans.

Beast Boy: I think this might be where air fresheners come from.

Pink Raven floats next to them.

Pink Raven: Good one! 

Cyborg: You're laughing? 

Beast Boy: At one of my jokes? 

Pink Raven: Sure. I've always thought you were funny, BB. But hey, looks aren't everything.

Laughing even harder now, she takes her leave of them. Cut to the exterior of the Tower and zoom in toward the roof.

Robin: Raven...

Cut to her, meditating up there.

Robin: ...You okay? We stopped by your room and the door's been knocked down.

He and Starfire come up behind her on the end of this. Raven's eyes pop open, wide as saucers, and she laughs uncontrollably for a few seconds. The sound scares the other two Titans out of their wits; she cuts it off by clapping both hands over her mouth.

Raven: Need to be alone.

She stands up and hurries to the door leading to the stairs/elevator. The camera placement makes it almost appear as if she passes through the barrier.

Starfire: Many of your Earthly ways are still strange to me, but that was... just plain freaky. Correct?

Cut to just inside the wrecked door of her room. She looks in around the frame, enters, and puts the wall back in order with an easy motion of the hand. Walking in a bit farther, she stops short at the hand mirror on the floor.

Raven: No.

Cut to the pink meadow; the camera points down from the treetops, where a few four-eyed ravens have perched. Pan to bring Beast Boy and Cyborg into view, making their way along the path that runs on and on toward an arch that looks very much like the one they started at.

Beast Boy: She ditched us! I can't believe Raven ditched us! Next time I see her, it's not gonna be pretty.

y/n: Yeah! Next time I see her... oh, right.

Cyborg pats y/n's back.

As he says this, the scenery dissolves to the outer-space region they were in before. They are back on the winding stone path. Cut to a long shot and pull back briefly, then back to them.

Cyborg: Hey, I know where we are! We're in that place where I didn't know where we were before.

Raven pops up in front of them, her back to us, and startles the daylights out of them. Her cloak is now gray; cut to a close-up, revealing a very sad and fearful facial expression.

Beast Boy: Where were you? Shopping for robes?

The Raven's bottom lip trembles before she begins crying and wailing.

Beast Boy: Whoa. Easy. I didn't mean it. Please don't-

y/n shushes him before feeling his way over to the girl. He sits down next to her. y/n's presence invokes something in the Raven and she stops crying. Instead she nuzzles into him and trembles softly.

Beast Boy: How did you do that?

Cyborg: Hey!

He points ahead down the path toward the asteroid at the end; they are closer now.

Titanical! (Male reader x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now