Forces of nature

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Opening shot: the two brothers, backing up in fear and awe at what this newcomer has just brought about.

 Sorcerer: Your gifts are your own. Who are they to tell you how to use them?

Lightning: And who are you that commands such power? Show yourself!

The dust from the destruction of the concrete slabs starts to clear.

Sorcerer: As you wish. 

The haze parts to reveal him standing within.

Sorcerer: I am but a humble old man whose power is drawn from nature, like your own. Come with me, and sow as much destruction as you please. 

He turns away.

Lightning: Yes! More fun! 

Thunder restrains him with a hand on his shoulder.

Thunder: Will we harm anyone?

Lightning: What? The green one has poisoned your mind.

Thunder: This destruction- will we harm the innocent?

Sorcerer: Would it matter if you did? You are unique. Gifted. Better. Why should anything interfere with your enjoyment? I am going. Follow, if you wish. 

He walks out of the courtyard; Lightning follows.

Lightning: Come, brother, and leave your foolish thoughts behind.

Thunder takes a few steps after them, but stops and looks back at the pile of crumbled stone for a moment. He then turns to catch up with the other two, and the camera pans to the wreckage and cuts to a close-up of its surface. A small green spider-Beast Boy-scuttles out of a hole in the pile and climbs up the side a bit; he then returns to human form.

Beast Boy: Star? Starfire? Where are you? Come on! Gimme a sign here! 

He starts to dig.

Beast Boy: You have to be all right, okay? 'Cause I-it was just a joke, you know? Back at the Tower, and...I'm sorry. I never said it, but I'm really, really sorry. It was supposed to be funny. And you could've been hurt, and...

He strains to lift a good-sized fragment and manages to get it clear of the pile.

Beast Boy: ...I'm a total clorbag.

Cut to behind him; a tall shadow is thrown across him from near the camera. Pull back to frame its source-Starfire, with not so much as a scratch on her. He turns around.

Beast Boy: Huh?

She gives him a warm, forgiving smile that instantly perks him up.

Beast Boy: Starfire!

Taking kitten form again, he jumps into her outstretched hands and she cuddles him to her chest. He looks up at her and meows happily.

Starfire: I am glad you are unharmed as well. 

He takes human form and kneels before her.

Beast Boy: I am so sorry. You gotta forgive me.

Starfire: I already have. 

She helps him up.

Starfire: Now those evil brothers must be made to apologise.

Beast Boy: I don't think they are evil. I think they're just like me.

Dissolve to a clearing in the mountains outside Jump City. A few scarecrow-like dummies have been set up, consisting of two crossed tree limbs with a blanket wrapped around them. Some characters have been painted on the cloth. Pan across the area; more such dummies have been set up, and the sorcerer stands among them.

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