The Tower

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Fade in to a close-up of turning gears and dissolve to a series of other shots of heavy equipment hard at work-cams and pistons and crankshafts. Pan from the last view across a large enclosure illuminated chiefly by dim red light, then stop on a shadowy figure seated on a large chair atop a raised platform. No features can be seen except the glint of full-body armor and one eye, the left. An overhead fixture pours light down on the seat. This is Slade, though he will not be named for some time to come. In the harsh glare, the right side of the head and shoulder show a gray tint, while red-orange appears on the other side. Cinderblock stumps into the light and places the tank containing 385901 on the floor. When Slade speaks, his tone is even and measured.

Slade: Cinderblock. I see your mission was a success. Good. Where is Taskmaster?

Cinderblock growls in anger, somehow Slade understands it. He isn't happy, but he isn't surprised either.

Slade: How irritating. We will proceed with Phase Two. Wake him.

The behemoth strains at the metal cap on the top end of the tank and manages to unscrew it, releasing thick clouds of vapor. When they clear, the occupant begins to stir from his slumber.

385901: I'm...awake? I should never be awake! I'm only human when I'm sleeping!

Slade: But for what I have in mind, your human form is useless. I need Plasmus.

The man's form begins to swell and distort within the tank, causing the glass to bulge and finally shatter. What comes out is a mass of purplish slime that overwhelms the nearby Cinderblock, accompanied by more fumes from the liquid inside. When the view clears, the overhead light has gone out and the ooze has formed itself into a very large, roughly shaped humanoid with an extremely wide mouth and two tiny yellowish eyes-Plasmus, the form taken by 385901 whenever he is not asleep. The reason for the silence warning on his cell's door is now abundantly clear. Plasmus comes forward and lets off a screeching roar. It is now the next day. Ringing is heard over a telephone line, followed by the click of the call being answered.

Answering machine: This is Cyborg. I'm either in the gym, playing GameStation or kicking bad-guy butt. Leave a message. 

Starfire is at the kitchen counter, Raven is looking at a bank of monitors, and Beast Boy paces with a cell phone in hand- he made the call. Robin walks y/n around the tower.

Robin: So, what do you think?

y/n: It's... spacious.

Robin: You need a map?

y/n: I trust I'll remember.

Robin: Ok well, this is your room. If you forget where it is then just remember it's opposite Raven's.

Raven looks up at the mention of her name. She studies the Taskmaster as he talks to Robin, no one had seen his face yet. She wasn't entirely sure she trusted him yet, although in fairness he had given her no reason not to. She was going try her best to go easy on him.

y/n; Thank you Robin.

Robin: Call if you need anything.

Robin walks off and y/n enters his room. It's dark, but has studio lights littered across the ceiling. There was large monitor at the edge of the room with a comfortable wheelie-chair. His bed was large and had blue and orange sheets- mirroring his costume. Whoever designed his room had obviously modelled it after his aesthetic. Not much else stood in the room. It was obvious that they had left it incase he wanted to accumulate his own things.

Beast Boy: Hello? Cy? Pick up! Come on, Cy, pick up! 

He paces behind Raven.

Beast Boy: I know you're there. The phone's built in your arm!

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