The Beast Boy Insta-Lube 9000

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A night sky filled with dark thunderhead clouds. Flashes of lightning illuminate their contours. A bulky silhouette stands up among them and begins to swing a pair of sticks against the clouds; every time it brings them down, there is another strike and accompanying thunderclap. Dissolve to another patch of the sky, where even more lightning crackles back and forth. A second silhouette, this one much thinner and with spiky upswetpt hair, stands up and directs its hands here and there. There is a new flare-up every time it does so. When the last one clears, the camera has moved to a point near the underside of the clouds as the flashes continue from within. There is a huge strike, and the camera pulls back to put Titans Tower in view. Inside, in the hall, Beast Boy has become a buffalo and is straining mightily at a rubber band looped over his horns, trying to catch it on a nearby hook. He succeeds and ducks away, coming up in human form with a mischievous smile on his face. Now he produces a large, filled water balloon that sloshes a bit in his hands, and he lets off a wicked little chuckle.

Beast Boy: This is gonna be so sweet!

Raven: What are you doing?

Surprised by her words, he lets go of the balloon and completely freaks out as he tries desperately to make a safe catch. Finally he gets hold of it and turns around, and the camera pans to show Raven and y/n behind him.

 Raven: Please tell me this isn't another ridiculous prank.

Beast Boy: Okay. It's not a ridiculous prank. It's a brilliant one!

He laughs. Close-up of Raven, rolling her eyes wearily. y/n moans in upset and buries his head in Raven's shoulder.

Beast Boy: All right, check it out. 'Member how Cyborg put red dye in my shampoo and I turned brown for two days? Well, friends, it's payback time.

A thought balloon appears above his head as he describes the situation. It shows, in "Super Deformed" style, the hapless victim-tinted brown, holding a scrub brush, in towel, shower cap, and slippers-standing there while the other SD Titans scroll past and laugh at him. The balloon disappears as he finishes; now a pull string hangs down from the ceiling, and he reaches for it.

Beast Boy: I give you...the Beast Boy Insta-Lube 9000!

y/n: The Insta-what?

As he says this, he pulls the string and he, y/n and Raven back up. Down comes a blueprint that fills most of the screen; the words "Beast Boy" and "Insta-Lube" slide in beneath it, after which "9000" drops from the lower edge and replaces them. The diagram shows the rubber band, which is part of a floor-mounted slingshot, held back by the hook and with the balloon loaded in. A tripwire in front of the rig runs through overhead pulleys and is tied to a lever that is in turn connected to the hook. The lower portion of the screen dissolves to a shot of the hall and zooms in on the tripwire, and on the blueprint, a rough figure of Cyborg steps up and catches his foot there.

Beast Boy: See, when Chrome-Dome steps around the corner, his foot tugs the string. The string trips the lever... the lever releases the mother of all rubber bands... which sends a balloon-load of motor oil flying right at him, and BOOSH! Pretty clever, huh?

y/n: For you I suppose yeah.

Raven: You're a genius. 

Beast Boy: It's just a little good clean dirty fun.

A door opens he perks up his ears to listen.

 Beast Boy: Here he comes. 

He ducks away, then back to whisk her and y/noff.

Raven: Whoa! 

They hide around a corner.

y/n: I do not think-

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