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"Norman you have to be careful, that's the third time this week you've gotten ill." Isabella said.
"S-sorry Mama." He muttered.
"It's alright, now you rest up" the mother said as she walked away.
Norman lay alone for a few minutes till an adorable orange haired girl sprung up on the seat beside his bed.
"E-emma!" He smiled.
"Hi Norman! I thought you would be lonely so I came and sat with you."
"B-but you'll get sick.." He frowned.
The door opened slowly, "Emma when did you sneak in here?!" Her mother gasped.
The young girl turned around seeming shocked, "O-Ohh"
"You can't be in here you'll get sick."
"No I won't! Ray said so!" She giggled.
Her mother looked in confusion and turned around to see her son holding a book and smirking.
"This book says that Idiots don't get sick."
Isabella Sighed and Emma laughed, "See Mama!"
"Emma you can't stay in here." The woman picked up the small child and carried her out of the room.
"Aweee bye bye Norman." She said with a frown.



I was seated inside of the orphanage, Reading a book in my room as snow fell outside. "Ray! Norman! Pleaseeee come outside! You never come out anymore when it's snowing" Emma whined.
"Emma I can't ill get sick like I always do." Norman huffed.
"I can't read my book if I'm outside in snow."
"And he gets sick too." said Norman.
"No I don't."
"You do."
"Well go on then." He smirked, "If you get sick then you can only blame yourself."
"I didn't know emos could get sick?" Emma laughed.
"I bet he will get sick."
I frowned at what they both were saying but I stood up and agreed anyways, I placed my book in the drawer beside my bed and got my snow things, Warm Boots, A hat, A scarf, A coat and gloves. I then turned around and looked at Norman.

Me and Emma went outside and mother attempted to stop me on the way.
"Ray you'll get sick." She said, grabbing my hand. I pulled away and whispered into her ear, "Ma please? I made a bet with Normann-"
She Sighed and nodded, me and Emma continued walking outside.
As soon as we stepped out, the ice cold aggressively hit my face. Snow was gently falling so it wasn't like it was a blizzard or anything. All the younger kids came running over and began grabbing at my hands.
"Ray Ray!" Some laughed, others said, "He's finally come out to play in the snow!" And other things similar to that.
"Ray pleasssee can we build a snowman with the other kids?" Emma pleaded. Honestly I had no choice but to accept otherwise she'd keep begging.
All the kids gathered around and got themselves into groups. Everybody was in groups of three, except for me and Emma. She began making the snowman base and told me to go looking for twigs and rocks. I was about to leave when somebody grabbed onto mine and Emma's hands and laughed.
"Making snowmen without me?" A boy with hair that was the same shade of white as the snow around laughed.
I turned around and stared at him, "Norman! Go inside! You'll get sick!"
"I can say the same for you."
"Both of you should go inside." Emma huffed.
"NO!" me and Norman yelled at her.
"Okay okay, Now there's three of us let's figure this out." Norman mumbled.
"Norman, You go find a carrot, spare scarf and spare hat." Emma suggested, "Ray, go and find some rocks and twigs, And me, I'll make the snowmans base."
We all nodded and ran off into different directions. I ran into the forest, the best place to find both twigs and rocks, Norman ran inside and Emma stayed in the same spot.
Emma gave me the hardest task of course. I had to run here in the snow, dig around for what probably felt like hours and then run back up a snowy hill which would probably be more of an ice slide after all the younger children have ran up and down it.
However, I still began to look, It took. me thirty minutes to get enough rocks and two twigs, then I ran back to the Emma and Norman who was waiting.
"Took you long enough." Emma frowned.
"Emm don't judge you did give him a difficult job."
I was panting, out of breath, "Yeah! I- Had to dig around for rocks and climb up slippy trees to snap off twigs."
"You never had to climb up trees." Emma laughed
"Okay okay both of you calm down, let's finish our snowman then play some other things." Norman giggled.
Oh gosh was his laugh adorabl- wait, what? I shook my head to get rid of the thought then nodded to Norman.
I walked over and placed sticks on both sides to resemble arms, then, I put rocks for eyes, a mouth and buttons.
We finally finished our snowman. Me, Emma and Norman each did a group high five and laughed.
"So, Anybody up for a snowball fight?" I whispered with an evil-seeming smirk. Emma and Norman nodded and showed a similar smirk.

We all bent down and made a snowball, then, stood up and aimed at some of the other kids. We threw the snowballs and ran. The snowballs hit Don, Thoma and Conny. They turned around with a sudden shock but then laughed and saw us running away.
That was when the big game started. Other kids noticed the snowballs that we had thrown and they began throwing them all at eachother, Don chased after us of course, and so did Thoma. But Conny stayed and happily threw snowballs at eachother with the younger kids, Like Phil and Jemima.
This was way more fun than I expected it to be and I hadn't noticed the huge smile on my face as we ran.
"Aweeee! Smiley Ray!" Emma teased.
I noticed and stopped, covering my face with my scarf as we continued to run. We all ran into the forest and decided to split up, Thoma chased me and Don followed after Norman. Lucky Emma. She was fine for the time being. I almost slipped over multiple times and Thoma had slipped over alot. I was running until. I ran into a dead end and Thoma threw a snowball straight into my face.
"AH!" I yelped at the Cold, I brushed it off and noticed Thoma being cocky about having caught me, so I threw a snowball back at him in the face and while he couldn't see and was too busy attempting to brush it away I took it as the chance to take a different route and sprint until he was out of my sight. I made a new snowball just incase, and came across Emma in the forest who quickly threw a snowball at me before noticing who I was.
"EMMA! I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT!" I yelled. I chased after her until she was out of my reach due to her athletic abilities. I stood there for a few minutes until I realised one of my gloves and my scarf was missing. I must've dropped them in the forest. I looked at my hands and noticed them turning a bright red.
"S-shit now I'm really going to get sick." I ran as fast as I could before somebody behind threw a snowball at my foot, tripping me over, then they fled. I got myself to my feet and brushed off the cold, despite the fact I could still feel it biting at my fingertips. I made a brand new snowball and ran further off into the forest again, looking for somebody. I heard mumbling from around the corner and saw Emma and Norman.
I peeked round the tree and threw a Snowball in Emma's face.
"AH!" I heard her screech. I ran to a Bush and sat in it.
"Emma wait I heard a Bush.." I heard Norman say. He grew closer and closer to the Bush, then I decided to pop out.
"BOO!" I yelled with laughter, scaring them both and making Norman fall back.
I hopped out of the Bush and that gave me a chance to run. However, Both of them just stared at me running away.
"I don't like that Ray." Emma muttered with confusion, "He's too happy."
"Oh well," Norman said, standing up, "AFTER HI- nevermind he's probably too far into the forest by now."
Emma laughed and gave Norman a pat on the head.
I continued to sprint and throw snowballs at people as I passed by.
At this point my hand and lips were turning blue and my cheeks and nose were bright red.
Then, I sneezed.
"Oh shit." I huffed, grabbing my head.
"I should get back before my headache gets worse from the wind and cold.
I began running to the orphanage but on my way out of the forest I ended up tripping over and falling flat on my face, causing my headache to worsen terribly.
I just layed there, My headache was breathtaking evrytime I attempted to stand up.

I then heard the bell ringing, Playtime was over.
Everybody was waiting for me and I knew.

*~Isabella Pov~*

I counted the children, Emma.. Norman.. Conny.. Don.. Gilda.. Jemima.. seemed like they were all here except for two, but I just couldn't put my finger on who.
"Norman, where's Ray?" I heard Emma say.
"Phil?!" Jemima yelled.
I immediately opened up my tracker and saw in the forest, one, not moving, and one moving towards the other.
"Phil, he'll be fine.. he's less vulnerable, Ray.." I muttered.
Then I held my breath and gasped, "RAY?!"
"Mama is Ray okay?" Norman yelled with worry.


I lay in the forest, barely able to move. Then I heard the sound of feet patting against the floor, getting closer.
With all strength I had I made a snowball and threw it towards the sound.
"AAAH!" I heard a childish giggle, they then ran round the corner in front of me, "Playtime over, you-"
The child stared at me, and gasped with worry.
"Hi phil.." I muttered.
"Ray!" He yelled.

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