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The child attempted to lift me up, so even though my head hurt I lifted myself up and he allowed me to lean on him.
"Sorry Phil, I-I'm probably quite heavy."
He nodded, "It's alright Ray! I just have to get you to Mama!"
I smiled, he stepped forward and I decided to slowly do the same.
We repeated this until we were out the forest and we could see the others and Mother heading down the hill.
"Emma look!" Norman pointed at us, "It's Phil and Ray."
"MAMAAA!" Phil yelled, giggling and waving. Mother ran over and helped me stand up straight.
"Sick?" she Sighed, I nodded and coughed. She picked me up and carried me back to the others whilst Phil followed behind. He ran over to Emma and hugged her.
"Phil what happened to Ray?" She asked him with a worried expression on her face.
"I was going back to Mama! And then he threw a snowball at me and I ran to see who threw it and I saw him on the floor!" He explained, "He was cold and couldn't talk or move."
"Idiot.." Muttered Norman, he took this as a sign that he should probably go inside himself now.
Mother carried me to the infirmary and Emma, Norman and Phil followed us as she placed me onto the bed and covered me with a blanket.
"You can go in if you want, don't blame me if you get sick." She said as she left the room.
Emma ran in and sat down on the stool beside the bed, Phil climbed onto her lap, and Norman sat at the end of the bed.
"Aweee Ray looks like baby Norman did when he got sick."
I just frowned.
"I really looked like that? Poor Ray, He can't do anything but lay there and look sick and adorable." Norman giggled. I blushed and covered my face from embarrassment, "Y-you- s-shut!"
Norman laughed and walked over, pulling my arms away from my face.
"Ray, you may act all tough and you are tough of course, but most of the time you really are just a big softie."
"That's gay."
"Emma shut the fuck up"


I sat on Ray's bed, arguing with Emma.
"That's gay" she said, out of complete unshown embarrassment, I responded, "Emma shut the fuck up."
This causes both Ray's and Phil's eyes to widen but Emma just stated at me angrily. I started smirking and laughing until I was smacked round the face by a seriously angry emo.
"N-no s-sw-swearing b-bitch!" He huffed. I rubbed my cheek and laughed. "Emma, Phil, we should leave, Ray needs to get rest."
They both nodded and got up. I waved To Ray as we walked out and he waves back, we then closed the door behind us.
"I'm going to make him a hot chocolate and a brownie when he wakes up."
I turned around and gave Emma a deathglare.
She looked panicked and began to run, but I grabbed her hand and hit her on the head, Not gently but not roughly.
"Heyyy!" she whined.
I stuck my tongue out and laughed, running off into the Cafeteria. I ran over to mother Isabella.
"Ma? Can you help me make brownies for Ray?" I smiled.
"Of course, Does Emma and Phil want to help?"
"You bet!" The orange hair girl laughed as she walked through the door.
"Yaaa!" Phil giggled.
"Alright then!" Isabella smiled, "I have some spare aprons, Emma, please get them out of the storage cupboard!"
"Yes mama!" She laughed as she ran off.
"Do you want to make them into any specific shapes?" She asked.
"Well, We could make them into Hearts and stars, and we'd have to make enough for all the kids because if they smell brownies, they will definitely want some." I explained.
"Any specific reason why you picked a heart shape?"
I shook my head, "I think if we share them with kids they'll love the adorable shapes, even though Ray may think of them as childish" I laughed.
"You really are a smart and thoughtful child Norman."
This forced a large smile onto my face as Emma walked into the room with the aprons.
"You, Emma and Ray. You're all good children."
"Ray's too edgy and emo." Emma huffed.
"I know." She laughed.
"Now I mention it, Ray looks alot like you! Except for the eyes." I had only just realised it, their hair was the same raven black and their skin the same shade, and they both had that same glare that just makes them, well,
look strong and tough.
"He is my biological son after all."
"Emma dear please keep your cool."
"NOOOOO!" She shouted.
"Emma shut your yap! Ray's in the other room and your going to hurt his ears through the walls with how loud your being" I hissed.
Emma huffed then smirked and giggled, "Oh Mama! Did you know that Norman is gay for Ray?"
Isabella was washing the items we needed to bake the brownies.
"No I did not."
Mother chuckled and smiled, "You all are lively children, but please do keep it down, my ears are going to end up killing me."
Me and Emma nodded.

Once Mother finished cleaning she got out the ingredients we needed and set them on the side. Chocolate, Butter, Flour, sugar, eggs and more! Phil walked over to mother and tugged on her hand.
"Mamaa can I have some chocolate?" He asked.
"Sorry Phil but no, we need to use that for the brownies, But! Once the brownies are done I'm sure that they will taste better than the chocolate alone."
Phil understood, he nodded and giggled then walked back over to Emma's side.
"Get your aprons on!" mother instructed as she handed them out. A large one for her, two medium ones for me and Emma and a small one for Phil. Mother helped Phil tie his apron on around his waist, I did mine myself but had to help Emma seeing as she was struggling to do it just by herself.
"Thanks Norman.." She giggled.
"No problem!"

"Make sure to wash your hands now." She reminded, and we all did, we washed our hands thoroughly and we were ready to make the brownies.
"Okay! So first, we'll need three sticks of butter and six bars of chocolate." She laughed.
"That is alot!" I gasped.
"Well we want to make enough for all the other children, and we want possible extras correct?" she smiled.
"Oh, Of course!" I giggled.

"So, I'll be helping Phil. You will work on your own and listen to my instructions, don't be afraid to ask for help." she clapped her hands together, "We have one bowl each, one stick of butter each and two bars of chocolate each. That's all we need for now."
"First, You want to put both your chocolate and your butter in at the same time." She instructed.
I unwrapped the butter from its wrapping and put it into the bowl, then I unwrapped both chocolate bars and broke them off into little pieces and also placed them into the bowl.
Emma was struggling a little bit so I helped her out.
"Now, you melt the butter and chocolate until its all liquid, don't leave any clumps!"

It took us an hour to finish the batter, then, we poured the batter into a rectangular tray and scattered chocolate chips on top of it. Mother then placed it in the oven for us just to make sure we didn't burn our hands.
"Now we should wash up!" She laughed.
"Yay!" Phil giggled.
We all helped each other clean up where we were making things and washed up the dishes and equipment. Mother then said we could do whatever and she'd shout us over when the brownies were finished.

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