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I decided to checkup on Ray, I peeked my head through the door and he turned out to be sound asleep so I left him. Instead, I walked off to the library to find a book. I wanted to see why Ray was so obsessed with reading them. I scanned the shelves until I found a book called 'The Promised Neverland' and it said it was written by Anna. I never knew she wrote books. The book seemed to be in the horror genre section but it looked cute so I had no clue why it was horror.

I sat in the library for a while, reading. "Conny is getting adopted in this! Awee- I can see why Ray likes some books."
"She left little Bunny? nooo-"
"go on me and Emma take it back to Conny before she leaves!" I giggled.
A few minutes later I read to a part that truly disgusted me and made me feel ill. I slammed the book shut and took a deep breath.
I calmed down then re-opened the book and scanned through the pages quickly until I was near the end.
"Mama.. breaking Emma's leg? She wouldn't ever.."
I stayed silent at the next part, "Me.
getting shipped, like what happened to conny?" I muttered.
I flipped through the pages again to find a part where Ray set himself on fire, I began to feel shaky and dizzy, so I got up and placed the book back on the bookshelf and left the library.
Emma ran over to me,"NORMANNN!" she yelled, she noticed my shook up state and my shaky, sweaty hands.
"Norman are you alright?" she asked.
"It's just a book I read, Anna wrote it." I mumbled.
"Anna wrote it? Ooh I have to read it!" She laughed, going to step into the library.
"Emma p-please no!" I cried, grabbing onto her arm as tight as I could.
"Its just a book, just a book, just a-a-" I has made an attempt to calm myself down but I just ended up tearing up.
"Norman.." she mumbled, "What happens?"
I explained everything that happened in not as much detail as the book had said but it still disgusted Emma.
"Why would Anna write that?!" She huffed, "It had the potential to be adorable!"

me and Emma cheered and ran to the Kitchen.
Mother placed them onto the side and they smelt delicious. Still, she turned around and also easily noticed my terrified state.
"Norman are you okay?" she looked upset.
"I read this book that Anna made and-" I began.
"Oh god dammit, I told her to keep that book in her room locked up to herself." she frowned, "I'm sorry you read that stuff Norman."
"Prepare for the nightmares he's going to have mama." Emma frowned.
"I-I won't have nightmares."
"And if you do what you gonna do? Climb into Ray's bed and cuddle him?" she teased.
I turned bright red, "No!"
Isabella laughed, "Okay okay, let's just get thee brownies cut into shapes. By the looks of it we should have around seventy five due to how big each tray was."
"So everybody gets two each!" Emma laughed.
Mother nodded and she got out the star shaped and heart shaped cookie cutters our of the cupboard.
She showed us how to cut them out and we copied, it was really easy but it left excess brownie. The good side to that was that mama said that me, Emma and Phil could eat those because we helped make them.
"Mama when I grow up I want to be a Baker and make brownies for everybody!" Laughed Emma.
"I'd definitely order some." Mother smiled.
"Me too!" I laughed.

We finished cutting out the shapes and put them in boxes to keep them from going bad quickly.
"Phil would you like to ring the bell? It's a special family time." Mother said as she handed over the bell into his small hands. He ran off to the bottom of the stairs and shook the bell, causing everybody to rush into the cafeteria.
Phil ran back afterwards and helped get the brownies to everybody.
"Please nobody eat yet until we pray."
Emma, Mother and Phil took a seat but she said I was allowed to take the rest of the brownies to share with Ray, I also had made me and him hot chocolates before I left the cafeteria.
"Today we are grateful to Norman, Emma and Phil for creating these lovely treats with us today and grateful for being given the supplies needed to make them, Thank you."


I was sat in the bed reading a book. I felt tons better. I checked the time and it seemed to me I had slept for around three or four hours. I'm not sure. Anyways, I was reading this book about the ocean and what's hidden in it that isn't talked about much.
Then, all of a sudden the door creeper open and I saw Norman, but I continued to read my book. He walked in and pulled a stool and table over beside my bed.
"What is it?" I huffed.
"Me, Ma, Emma and Phil made brownies, and, I made us hot chocolate." Norman said happily.
I was a bit hungry and it smelt super nice. Plus, Norman helped make them so I don't want him to be disappointed if I don't have the-eh, why do I care? Oh well.
I looked at the brownies and noticed they were cut into shapes. Norman grabbed one out and held it out for me to take. I took it from him and It was a heart shape. I blushed then shook my head, its probably just a coincidence and Emma wanted to cut them into heart shapes. I took a bite from it and it was delicious. It was sweet and nice like Norman, Sometimes Emma, but rarely.
"This is delicious!" I grinned.
Norman smiled widely, clearly full of joy and that made him look so adorable. I felt my face heating up with blush so I just looked away instead.
Or I was trying to, But instead he grabbed my cheek and pulled my face close to his.
"Ray you are adorable," He laughed, moving his head and my head away from each other. I sat there, assuming that I looked like a tomato as he stroked my cheek with an evil looking smirk on his face.
After a few minutes he stopped and sat down on the stool again, grabbing his hot choco and drinking it.
I grabbed mine and drank it. Norman told me he made this delicious drink all by himself, he's, amazing.

"Hey Ray.." Norman muttered, "I read this book that Anna wrote before it was scary,"
"The promised neverland?"
He nodded.
"Ma told Anna to keep that book in her room." I frowned, "I can't believe she'd write shit like that, honestly makes me feel ill."
"Why would she write Conny dead and you setting yourself on fire?" He mumbled.
I shrugged my shoulders and took two more brownies, then I closed the box.
I gave Norman one, then I realised I had accidentally picked a heart brownie that Was split in half.
"Oops!" I laughed.
Norman grabbed my hand and held up the brownie, then he put his against mine and it made a perfect heart, he smiled and laughed, "That's cute isn't it Ray?"
I felt myself becoming flustered.
"I-I guess... OKAY YOU CAN STOP IT NOW" I yelled, "Youre making me embarrassed.." I muttered.
"Okay okay" He laughed.
I picked up my book and got out of bed, Norman got up and took the brownies back to mother, we then both went upstairs to our own rooms after she told us it was bedtime.
I got sat into my bed and Norman liked at me.
"Hey Norman" I muttered, "If you have nightmares because of the book you can climb into my bed."
I smiled and he smiled back, I then turned off the lights and fell asleep.

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