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I woke up the next day at lunch by my mother.
"Ray, Ray wake up" she muttered.
"You have to say bye to Emma and Norman now."
My heart sank.
I had stupidly fallen asleep and now they had to leave.
I got up and walked downstairs, shaking.
Emma and Norman were dressed in the same clothes Conny had been wearing when she was shipped.
"kids get over here." smiled ma.
She made us stand together and she took three pictured of us with a camera, then handed one to each of us.
I grabbed Norman and Emma's hands.
"Guys d-dont you dare forget about me!" I cried.
"Ray don't stress it, your our friend we would never forget!" Norman smiled.
Emma agreed and we all hugged.
Then, Isabella took them to their new families.

I couldn't help but sob as they walked out the door, Gilda and Don ran over and comforted me.
"Emma.." I heard Phil say in a sad voice.
I walked over to him and sat beside him.
"Don't worry bud, I miss Emma too... everybody does."
"W-will she come back!?" he cried.
"I'm sure she'll convince her new family to adopt you too!" Gilda laughed.
"You think so?" Phil smiled.
"I want Connys family to adopt mee-" Don whined.
"Oh you idiot I bet she's been complaining to her parents ever since she left." I smirked
"probably" Laughed Isabella as she walked back into the house.

Since that day me and the others continued to hang out, I missed Norman and Emma but I knew they were having fun with their families.

Months passed and others got adopted, and new kids came in.
Don, Phil, Gilda. The last people I considered as my friends, they were gone, but this all happened over the course of four years, until I had enough, I didn't want to stay in this orphanage any longer and watch the people I knew leave.
"Anna. Take the other kids outside."
she was confused but listened to me.
"I'm fed up of this place," I muttered, dumping gasoline onto the floor, "I'm not staying to witness anybody else get adopted. They can go to another orphanage."
I grabbed a match and lit it, at that moment my mother walked in.
I quickly stepped back and threw the lit match as it caused a large fire.
"RAY WHAT DID YOU DO?" She yelled.
I looked at her and ran towards her, grabbing her hand and dragging her outside. The other kids watched in terror.
"Ray what did you do that for?! Now we have nowhere to go!" Anna yelled.
I looked back at the building and immediately felt guilty.
My mother walked up behind me and hugged me.
"The other kids will be sent to another orphanage, I have no use in being here anymore Ray, we can leave." she Sighed.
"Mama and Ray are leaving?" Yelled Sherry.
Isabella nodded and apologised, some kids cried but they were still happy for us.

She moved everybody to a new orphanage and we both left, happy that I could leave the orphanage for once? But upset that the orphanage burnt to a crisp.

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