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*~RAY POV~* (some Angst in this chapter)

I lay in my bed, it was dark out and everybody else was asleep. Me and Norman must've accidentally fell asleep earlier.
I noticed Norman was seeming a bit uneasy and terrified, I assumed he was having nightmares, again.
Fuck you Anna, you've ruined him.
I put my arms around Norman and he woke up gasping.
He looked around and saw me awake, hugging him.
"Oh thank the lord everybody is still here" He Sighed.
"Oh! Ray, I um- it was," He giggled, making me wonder if he really had a nightmare at all, "I had this weird nightmare, it was scary but looking back at it, it's actually a bit funny."
A funny nightmare? That's a new one.

"Okay so basically I thought I woke up and nobody was there so I looked around and these blobby demon fish came into the orphanage and chased me and when I ran outside (this bit isn't funny) everybody was dead including you, and I got eaten by the fish." He explained.

I stared at my boyfriend,"Should I be concerned, horrified or both?"
"Aside from everybody being dead.. Norman I don't think that was a nightmare that was just some fucked up mixed up mash of a dream and a nightmare combined."
"Oh" he muttered, then began giggling and telling me about the other crazy dreams he had months ago whilst laughing his ass off, I almost broke into laughter too but I stopped myself.
I checked the time and it was 1:24 am
"Norman go back to sleep its too early for this shit."
"Please I'm tired. You can tell me in the morning."
He Sighed and nodded, then fell asleep hugging me.
"Idiot." I laughed, then falling asleep as well.

In the morning Norman was awake before me and he began nudging me to wake me up.
"Rayy-" he muttered and waiting a few seconds.
"Ray!" He whisper yelled, but soon he got fed up and frustrated.
"RAY WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He yelled which caused me to actually wake up with a shock.
"Yay your awake." He smiled, kissing me on the forehead causing me to turn slightly red at the cheeks.
I smiled and put my hand on his face as he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me.
"Now that's the definition of gay!" Laughed Emma.
Norman turned around and gave her the deathstare, then smiled.
"The only definition of gay I see in here is you Emma." I smirked.
"Oh yeah? Well who am I gay for then?" She smiled.
"Gilda" Norman giggled, Emma began flushing pink, she knew she was screwed if Norman answered because he has a watchful eye and can understand people's feelings from the way they talk and their actions easily.
She clenched her fists and ran off.

"I love you, emo." Laughed Norman.
I stated at him, angrily, "EMO? I'M NOT FUCKING EMO?"
"Believe what you want babe." He smiled, standing up and walking out of the room.
I stood up and followed him out.
As we walked down the corridor I decided to snoop into my mother's room and check her calender.
"Hhmmh, Hmmh," I Sighed, "Nothing here."
But then one page caught my attention. A name, circled in red, two months from now.
I looked closely and covered my mouth.
"Norman's getting adopted?" I gasped.
I walked to the door and opened it, then walked out.
'If norman's getting adopted then, I have to spend these last two months with him and make them the best. Because in my case, I'm not ever leaving here.' I thought.
I began running down the hallway, catching up to Norman.
"Hey Norman!" I smiled.
"Uh I-if you were to get adopted and I weren't and we' d be split across far distances, what would you do?"
"Uh, why do you ask?"
"No reason!" I smiled, "Just curious yanno."
"Ray your acting weird, tell me what's wrong."
I stared at him and began to tear up, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks.
"I-I can't, I went into ma's room and if she knows ive been in there I'll get in trouble."
"You what?" Isabella frowned.
"O-oh! Ma-"
"What did you see?"

I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath, then looked at her.
"Normans getting adopted isn't he?"
My mother looked more shocked and upset for me than angry and furious.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled.
"I can see the outside world?! Can Ray come?!"
Ma shook her head, sadly.
"How come?" he frowned.
"Ray's my biological child, he can't leave here until I retire which won't be for a while."
"W-wait so I have to.." He muttered, beginning to tear up, "I've got to leave Ray?"
She nodded.
"I'm sorry I-" her phone began ringing.
"Hm? Isabella here, Gracefield orphanage." her voice sounded full of joy, "Oh, you would like to adopt Emma? Yes shes a wonderful child, I'm sure she'd be excited."
I clenched my fists and stared at the floor.
"You want to take her tomorrow?" She asked, "Yes yes that's fine, I'll tell her at lunch! Goodbye."
She put the phone down and immediately got another call.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THESE PEOPLE" She yelled, making me and Norman giggle slightly.
She picked up the phone again and talked into it.

We waited till she was finished and she Sighed and looked at me.
"I'm so sorry Ray, Norman." she frowned, "The people adopting Norman have now decided they want to take him the same day as Emma."
I stared at her, "You are fucking joking right?"
"I'm sorry n-" she began, I started walking away but I got a burst of rage as I turned back and punched the wall.
I started sobbing as I dropped to the floor.
Emma, Gilda and Don came running over.
"What happened?!" Emma yelled.
"He's, upset." Sighed Norman.
"Why?" Gilda asked.
"Emma and Norman are both getting adopted tomorrow." Mother Sighed.
"I'M GOING TO HAVE A FAMILY???" Emma's face lit up with joy.
Norman came over and sat beside me.
"Im a selfish asshole aren't I Norman?" I sighed
"Ofcourse not, Don't be harsh on yourself Ray." He smiled as he grabbed my hand, "You can always ask your mother to contact my family!!"
"B-but I don't want to, it won't be the same." I cried, hugging him and shoving my face into his chest.
He stroked my hair and back and comforted me.
I eventually fell asleep and mother carried me up to my room.

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