3 | Trickery

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That evening, Glimmer paced around her bedroom. Bow and Adora watched from the seat by her window.

"Glimmer... are you okay? You've been acting pretty weird since you saw Catra," the blonde said, concerned for her suspiciously-acting friend. "Yeah, did she say something that upset you? If she did, you have to tell us," Bow said. Adora looked at Bow and nodded. Glimmer stopped pacing to say, "No, I'm fine guys. Just... let me think for a minute." Then she continued to pace. Bow was about to deny her when Adora grabbed his arm.

"Can I... talk to you for a minute?" Adora asked while winking. Bow looked more confused than ever. Before he could ask if she was having mental problems, she pulled him out of the room and into the hallway. She shut the door.

"Catra obviously said something to her that made her act like this," Adora said. "Yeah obviously," Bow muttered. "Why don't we go talk to Catra ourselves? Glimmer isn't saying anything, but I bet Catra will," Adora suggested. Bow groaned. "Why do I always have to join in on you or Glimmer's dangerous schemes?" he asked. "Stop complaining and let's go!" Adora exclaimed and dragged Bow through the castle.

She took him to the room where Catra was being held captive. Four guards were guarding the door this time. "Queen Glimmer gave us permission to see Catra, let us in," Adora said. The guards looked at each other then back at the two of them who were in pyjamas. Then one of them opened the door. "Be careful," she said.

The both of them walked in, Bow's bunny slippers squeaking at every step. They approached the forcefield where Catra softly snored. "She's sleeping, we should probably go," Bow muttered. He turned around to leave but Adora grabbed his shirt. He sighed and pulled her firm hand off of him. Then, Adora took out her sword, a bright light flashing on Catra's face. She opened her eyes and squinted.

"Oh, it's you. What brings you here at this time of night, blondie? Or morning perhaps," she asked tiredly. She blinked a few times before opening her eyes fully. "I'm only here to find out why you were sneaking into Bright Moon. Yet alone, in my room. What do you want from me Catra?" Adora asked. Bow nervously looked at the both of them.

"I was thinking about the thing you said earlier today. To join the rebellion," Catra replied. "Yeah, what about it?" Adora asked. Bow looked at Adora curiously. He pulled her away to where Catra couldn't hear them.

"You asked her to join the rebellion? Why on earth would you do that?" he asked. "Catra's just misunderstood. If we can get her to join the rebellion, I know that she can help us defeat the Horde," Adora replied. "Just give her a chance. All of this war stuff has put her on edge just like us. I know she can change. I've known her ever since we were kids. You have to trust me Bow." Bow sighed then nodded.

He didn't exactly trust Catra but he trusted his friend to be there if something went wrong and here she was. Adora supported him throughout the war more than Glimmer has. Maybe it's time he started to think about supporting Adora as well. "I guess it's not... a bad idea. Catra's strong. She has a great heart... I think," Bow muttered. Adora smiled and they walked back over to Catra.

"Alright, what did you want to talk about?" Adora asked the now-smirking cat.

(With the Horde)

After the agreement of their plan, Catra went to Bright Moon and Hordak went to the Fright Zone. He no longer had control of Dryl so where else was he supposed to go? He didn't like being far out in Selienias, and he had no business in Plumeria nor the Kingdom of Snows. So he returned to his sanctum. He was about to get back into his studies when someone came inside. It was Catra.

"You're back? I knew they wouldn't believe such trickery," he said. The cat jumped onto the table and sat there smirking at him. "What are you doing? If we're done here, I want you to work on getting Dryl back. You've wasted enough of my time." The cat burst out into laughter as it slowly transformed back to normal. Hordak sighed. "Double Trouble, I should have known," he mumbled.

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