Class- D.A.M.N bois

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My friend sent me the meme so enjoy😌
Basically this is if you are overwhelmed with class and the bois help

- When he realized you were overwhelmed he instantly thought it was because of him
- "Am I pushing you too hard.? I can tell you've been overwhelmed I can back off if it'll help."
- Tries to figure out what's wrong without you noticing
- Finally has enough and makes you take a few days off

- Goes into a full rant surprisingly not stuttering
- "Freelancer you need to take care of your self" "Take tomorrow off please" "please? I don't want you to be overwhelmed. If school is stressing you out take a break. Im sure Damian can give you notes and help you catch back up"
- After he gets home he'll comfort you and order food

- Instantly can tell what's wrong and picks you up and takes you home
- "No I don't care about class." "I know but you need me more than I need school"
- Will not leave your side until your better
- Makes food (I feel like he's an amazing cooker) for you and gets you a bunch of stuff

- Helps by letting you rant
- Doesn't really know what to do but tries his best
-he ends up helping a lot even tho he still thinks he didn't help much
- Orders take out from your favorite place or will take you to a restaurant (He can't cook. Change my mind)

- Makes you take the day off
- Tries to cook for you but ends up burning it so you just order food
- Feels guilty that he burned the food
- ends up helping a lot

Sorry this is so short il gonna try and post every day or every other day

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