Rant VincentxLovely

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This was requested by @Remus3321 hope you enjoy sorry if it isn't exactly what you wanted this isn't exactly a rant but I couldn't think of anything else so I'm sorry😅😅

Lovely pov:
-A few days ago-
My day was normal. I went to cafe with Vincent and ordered my usual, iced caramel latte. Vincent got up to go to the bathroom when a guy came up to me and looked directly at a few things he shouldn't.
  "Hey baby why are you here all alone?" The guy said with a stupid smirk. Really? This is why he approached me?
"I'm not alone in with my boyfriend" I reply clearly not interested in this conversation. The guy obviously not getting the hint. Why are some guys so dumb?
  "We'll I don't see him so your clearly lying. I'll just sit with you and keep a sexy person like you company" he said sitting down where Vincent was sitting.
"We'll since you don't believe me, here's a picture of him" I say lifting my phone and turning it on showing my Lock Screen, a picture I took literally 3 minutes before this happened. "So please leave." I am seriously over this guy.
"Ugh fine. People like you never want to have a good time" he snaps standing up and walking away just in time for Vincent to come back and be completely unaware of what happened.

After our date the guy was outside and saw me with Vince, so thankfully he said nothing but he got into a car and started to follow me and Vincent. This guy has been doing this a lot lately. He was standing outside my house yesterday and has been driving past the house a lot.

-present day-
Ugh. I am sick of this! I need to tell Vince what's going on.
"Hey Vincent?" I say with a bit of a frown.
"What's up, lovely? Is everything alright?" He replies, a bit of concern in his voice. His thoughts plastered on his face, like his head is invisible. 'Are they okay?' Was a very obvious thought.
"No it's not alright. There was a guy at the cafe the other day that came up to me when you where in the bathroom and he was standing outside the cafe when we left. He followed us home and now he's been sitting outside and driving by a lot. It's starting to freak me out" I say playing with the hem of my shirt. I have always hated confronting my feelings to people I don't know why.
"Lovely, why didn't you tell me this sooner? I would've handled it. Do you want to call the cops or want me to deal with it?" He replied, grabbing my hand and pulling it to his lap.
"I don't know Vince, but I'm sorry I didn't say anything. You can handle it how you think it should be handled." I said grabbing his hand tighter. I really don't want to deal with this anymore.
"Ok lovely I'll handle it but in the mean time every time you see him I want you to tell me. And lock all the doors and windows when I'm not home." He pulled my hand and hugged me, tight. I love his hugs.
"Thank you vincent. I love you" I hugged him tighter, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck.
"I love you too, lovely. Your welcome"

End. Sorry if that wasn't what you wanted I couldn't think of many ideas

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