Chapter 17- The Battle of Old Corona

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:-:Eight Years Ago:-:

I scream in pure terror as I dash through the library on jump on the couch. Varian watches me with concern and blinks his large blue eyes at me. "(Yn)? What's wrong?"

I quickly crawl over to Varian's end of the couch and crouch behind him. "T-There was an s-spider! A really b-big one!" I say, tightly clutching onto Varian's shirt.

"I don't see a spider," Varian says, scanning the floor to double-check.

I let out another shriek when I see it. The spider was only about the size of a coin, but its long black legs and overall creepiness were enough to convince me that the thing might as well have been pure evil. "THERE! THERE!" I yell, pointing it out to Varian.

The little boy's eyes widen when he sees it. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"


Varian stands up and positions his hands on his hips with a newfound sense of determination. "Don't worry, (yn)! I'll protect you!"

I nervously watch as Varian steps out of the safety known as the couch and heads towards the spider. "Be careful, Var!" I call. "That spider could be a venomous bug!"

Varian laughs. "Spiders are arachnids, silly!"

I cross my arms over my chest and pout. "I knew that," I mumble, feeling my cheeks grow warm from embarrassment.

Varian grabs a small bowl full of apples off of the coffee table. He gently rolls the fruit out of the bowl and approaches the spider.

I bite my bottom lip with worry as I hold my breath.

Varian inches toward the spider, and ever-so-carefully set the bowl on top of it.

I let out a sigh of relief before hopping off the couch and running over to Varian. I throw my arms around him and smile. "You did it, Varian!! I knew you could save me! You're a hero!"

A small blush grows across Varian's cheeks as he grins. He hugs me back.

:-:Present Day:-:

As Varian weaves Rapunzel's hair through the drill, I try to pull on my chains and get close to Varian. "Varian, Please don't do this! I know you're angry, but hurting people-"

"Quiet!" Varian cuts me off.

"Varian," Rapunzel begins, "if this doesn't work and something happens to me, please...please let (yn) and my mom go."

Varian pulls his goggles over his eyes. "I can't make any promises, princess."

The drill starts and lets out a horrible screeching sound when it makes contact with the amber. Rapunzel cries out in pain as her hair is pulled forward, and glows as bright as the sun. Golden waves of light flash across the amber, but nothing happens regardless.

Varian pulls his goggles back onto his head and stops the drill. "What?! WHY?!" He shouts, before continuing to try and drill into the amber.

Rapunzel collapses to the ground from exhaustion and my eyes widen in fear and concern for my sister. "VARIAN STOP!! THIS ISN'T GOING TO WORK!!" I try to yell over the screeching of the drill, but either he doesn't hear me, or he doesn't want to hear me.

"Stop! She can't take it anymore!!" My dad cries. I could only imagine how hard this was for him. Rapunzel was gone for eighteen years, and now that she was finally back, she was going to be taken from him all over again. His entire family was in danger, and he had no way to save them.

Forget-Me-Not (Varian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now