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Ch1: Sunoo was departing from Home today, he wasn't excited, instead, he was pretty sad, but he knew, this would benefit him afterwards, he needed to train here before he could debut .Everyone makes sacrifices this was one of Sunoo's
If Sunghoon went for another extra round last night, he wouldn't have been able to walk. He was pretty grateful he could still walk He got into Sunghoons car and put his two luggages, in the back and sat in the passenger's seat while Sunghoon drove him to the airport.
"Hm? Why not?"
"You're really gonna make me say it?"
"Tell me, why are you not excited?"
Sunoo reached out to Sunghoons other hand that was resting on his own lap and intertwined their fingers, letting him drive with one hand.
"What do you think?"
"Aww, is ddeouno gonna miss me that much?"
"... >:("
"Sorry sorry, we can still keep in touch, u have so much technology for a reason"
"It won't be the same..."
"Oh I'm sure it will"
"Don't be so sure of something we both are not sure about"
"It's just for a year, actually 6 months, and you'll come back in June anyways"
"Yeah, I guess?..."
"Don't be so sad, live a bit, I won't be able to see u in person but I'll always be-"
Sunghoon let go of Sunoo's hands and patted Sunoos's heart area.
He continued.
"I know I know, but..."
Sunoo intertwined their fingers again.
"There are no 'buts' Sunoo, you're making up excuses for yourself, look, I'm sad too, but, it's for the best, alright?"
"Kim Sunoo , there's no turning back, this was what you wanted since highschool, don't give it up because of me"
"I won't..."
The rest of the drive was just them, reminiscing memories.
After a bit more driving, Sunghoon made it to the airport, parked the car in the parking lot, and helped Sunoo with the bigger luggage and let Sunoo drag the smaller one, he helped Sunoo check in his luggages and stick a few stickers onto the other bigger luggage and let it go onto another plane to be flown to New York first as it wouldn't fit in the little baggage space above Sunoo's seat.
Sunoo's flight wouldn't be until 9pm and it was only 7:54pm. They realized they had a bit more time
So decided to get some drinks and sit down at a cafe. And start a quick convo
"What happens when you get your heat?"
Sunghoon asks Sunoo while sipping on his coffee.
"I'll probably take a 3 day leave and endure the pain at home..."
"Take your suppressants..."
"The suppressants they sell here is way better than those in Korea"
"Tell me when your suppressants are almost finished, I'll send some over to you"
"Alright, thanks, take care of yourself while I'm gone..."
"I will, don't worry about me. Don't overwork yourself"
"I won't promise you that, but I'll-"
"What do you mean you won't promise me? So you know you'll overwork yourself?"
"No...that's not what I..."
"Ddeouno, when I say don't. Don't."
"I won't..."
Sunoo knew he was lying, when did he not overwork himself. He wonders...
"If anything happens, call me, okay?"
"I will, same to you, if anything happens, I'll take an emergency leave and schedule a flight back immediately"
"You don't have to, I'm positive nothing serious will happen to me"
"I hope so..."
They talked, they knew they would miss each other, so much, so so so very much.
8:45pm {Departure}
It was time they said their goodbyes, or Sunoo would be late. He didn't wanna take in so much caffeine or he might get nauseous in the plane and puke.
Sunghoon finished up his drink and then the rest of Sunoo's before they left the cafe and walked towards the gates to send Sunoo off.
"Well, this is it..."
Sunghoon said as he gave a forced smile, trying to hold his tears in.
He wouldn't admit it but, he was sad, after all those years of being together, side by side with his omega, they'd have to part for almost half a year. They couldn't even part for more than 9 hours, this was going to be a challenge for the both of them...
"Don't cry, I'm not dying lmao"
Sunoo was going to cry too, I mean, who wouldn't?
Sunoo relaxed into his embrace, feeling safe in his boyfriends hands and warmth.
"I'll miss you..."
Sunoo said softly.
"Me too...I love you Kim, take care..."
Sunoo gave up and burst into tears, he didn't want to let go...
Everything else he would be doing after this, would have to be done alone...
9pm {Gateway 4, International Departure}
Sunoo sat down and looked at the lock screen of his iPhone. It was a picture of him and Sunghoon , cuddling on in the bed of their little apartment. It made him want to be hugged by him even more.
He looked back, Sunghoon wasn't there anymore. He was alone.
8pm [-13 hours from U.S timing/ Korea Time zone] {New York International Airport}
Sunoo tiredly walked towards the baggage area and collected his other luggage. He was so tired from the jet lag.
He sat down and checked his phone, 10:00 am it wrote.
It's still U.S timing...
He went into his settings and quickly switched it.
Koreas 's time was 13 hours back from U.S original time.
Sunoo wanted to get things done. Quick. He hailed a cab and got to his University campus within 30 minutes.
The driver dropped him off at the drop off and pick up point and he quickly went in and found the receptionist where he checked in, signed a few documents, showed his email he got from the school for proof, and then got his dorm room number.
Sunoo was lucky, he didn't have to share a dorm. He had the whole unit to himself in fact!
2445 was his dorm room number. It was located on the 24th floor. He scanned his card and pressed 24 and the lift slowly went up.
He got out, took a right turn and easily found his room. It was fully furnished. A mini kitchen on the right, a counter and 3 chairs next to it, a couch and a tv in the middle was what Sunoo saw the first thing he went in. There was a balcony too!
On his left, there were two doors, the left one was the bathroom door, there was also surprisingly a bathtub. And there were other basic things like a toilet bowl, a shower, and another sink counter made of marble.
There was a door connected to the bathroom too, and behind that door was Sunoo's room. It was modern. The theme of the room was all dark colors like white, grey and black, other than the lamps and the ac, everything else was themed that way.
The bed frame was black and the sheets of the whole bed were white. The pillows were fluffy and there was even a bolster! At the corner of the room, there was a study table, and on the left corner, there was a sliding door and a few hangers for Sunoo to hang his clothes, then a few compartments for his folded clothing.
He was satisfied with the room. Very satisfied.
Sunoo laid on the bed and turned on the ac. He was too tired to do anything. He left Sunghoon a message about him reaching safely and went to bed.
He had three days before training started and 2 weeks before class...But something already felt wrong..

(How was it???? ^ ^)

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