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Sunoo spoke to his doctors a few days after his arrival back in The u.s .A new doctor would be assigned to him and he would finally find out the gender of his baby. Park jimin Sunghoon's brother was only aware he would become an uncle within those days of Sunoo arriving back.
A few days later, they went to one of the private hospitals for Sunoo's daily checkup.
This week's checkup, they would be able to find out the gender of the baby!
"You excited?"
Sunoo asked Sunghoon.
"Of course I am!"
He replied.
"Hm..What gender do you hope for?"
Sunoo asks.
"I don't really care what about you?"
"A girl would be nice. But, I don't really have any preferences."
It was quiet again.
In 45 minutes, they reached the hospital. The car was parked and they walked in, hand in hand.
The person on duty immediately recognized the both of them and called in the doctor.
They waited again.
{Time skip cuz Yea}
They were led to a room for the ultrasound appointments.
"Hello! I'm doctor joy . I'll be in charge of your future ultrasounds"
The new doctor said cheerfully.
Sunoo and Sunghoon politely greeted her back.
Sunoo did as he was told to lift up his shirt and the doctor did the ultrasound. Sunghoon was fascinated at the little child growing in Sunoo's stomach. It had little movements, little growing hands, everything about it was small. It was heartwarming to look at .
"I heard from the doctor back in Korea that you haven't checked the gender yet?"
The doctor asked.
"Yeah, I wanted to find out the gender with Sunghoon "
Sunoo said.
"Well, congratulations! It's a girl!"

Short paragraph

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