Chapter 12

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So this is the last chapter for You and I Tonight. I will give details about the sequel later. I'm so glad you all liked and took time to read my story. I hope you guys don't get mad with how it ended. Comment and tell me what you think. Ps: keep tissue near, I can tell this chapter is going to be sad

Song: “You and I Tonight” Faber Drive (Song in external link)

“I am extremely excited to select from the Windsor Spitfires, Taylor Hall" 

When they called Taylor’s name as the first overall draft pick, a flood of emotion came over me. He had been squeezing my hand the whole time. He was nervous as ever. The two top draft choices were him and this other guy, Tyler Seguin, which I instantly disliked. When I first met Tyler he gave me this look down like he was undressing me with his eyes. It made me terribly uncomfortable, so much that I stepped behind Taylor because I felt totally violated. Taylor told me I was being paranoid like I always was. But I knew I wasn’t paranoid. I always got looks like that, and was not comfortable with being treated like a piece of meat.

When they called Taylor’s name he gave my hand a little squeeze and then let go of it when he stood up. He hugged me first. I went to give him a small kiss on the lips, but at the last minute he turned his face so I kissed his cheek. He went down the line hugging the rest of his family and friends that had come to support him.As he walked up on the stage to greet the members of the front office of the Oilers organization, he was beaming like a child in a candy store that you had just been told ‘to go wild’. I knew he would be chosen in the top three, so I knew beforehand that Edmonton was a great possibility. I was still pulling for Detroit though, which had a number 21 pick.

I watched as he pulled the Edmonton Oilers jersey over his head, and put that Oilers cap on his head. He was all smiles. I don’t think I’ve seen him this happy. Finally his dream had come true. He was playing for the NHL.

They did a short Interview with Taylor, and then whisked him off for press stuff, and pictures, leaving me to sit there by myself and basically twiddle my thumbs. I heard my phone ding telling me I had received a text. I searched through my purse and found my phone. I had three unread messages. One from my Aunt Gina read:

“Give Taylor our love and tell him that we are extremely proud of him”

The next one was from Ryan:

“Tell your BF way to raise hell, and keep the Spitfire name sacred”

Whatever that meant.

The last message was from Jackie:

“Tell Taylor congratulations for us! We are all so proud of him. BTW Smile girlly, they have put you on camera like five times!!!!”

After the draft, I still didn’t get to see Taylor. He had oodles of interviews still going on. We had taken pictures with him before hand, knowing full well we wouldn’t find the time after the draft. While I waited around, I couldn’t help but think would this be what it’s like when he actually plays in the NHL? Me waiting around for him after the games, while he does interviews and press stuff?

I slid down a pillar and I pulled my camera out, and started to filter out the bad pictures I had taken. As I looked through the pictures I came across pictures from when Taylor and I first met. There was one where Jackie had gotten a hold of the camera, and took all these crazy shots. One being where I was sitting on Taylor’s lap around a camp fire, with his hands in between my knees, and I was laughing at a story Cam was telling the group.

I filtered through the pictures, till I found another picture where Taylor and I had been sitting on the deck stargazing. It was taken behind us, so that meant my Aunt had gotten creative and took some pictures. Then I found my favorite picture. I had fallen asleep on Taylor’s chest one time, and he took my camera and faked like he was asleep. He had actually gotten a really good picture of us together. I had totally forgotten about that picture.I loved that picture because we both were so relaxed. I was wearing one of his hoodies and had my hair in a top knot bun. He was in a t-shirt and sweats. I don’t know why, but it reminded me of an old couple who has been together for years. You know how an old couple is. They are so comfortable with they’re mate that they can be themselves around each other.

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