Achieving alignment

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  While Chakra practice may seem like a lot to incorporate into your life, once you have it integrated into your lifestyle you open yourself up to a new perspective.

You will be able to face all challenges head on and no longer view any issues as a personal threat.

Chakra practice has helped me to understand that I am not the victim of my life but I am the creator of it.

I have all of the capabilities to do anything I please and all solutions to my life problems can be found within me.

Personally I use yoga as an opportunity to work on the wellness of my mind and body.

While focusing on each area of my body I am also using affirmations and breathwork to release any built up tension and make my energy channels as free flowing as possible.

I also use this time to meditate and just sit in my own body; to live and breathe into the present moment.

This is a grounding technique for me and also helps me to maintain the calmness in my mind; I know from Buddhist teachings that a mind that is under control is a mind that is at peace.

Maintaining alignment with movement and crystal application

  Disclaimer*** Chakra practice is not going to be the solution for major health related issues.

Chakra practice is a preventative and maintenance practice of your energy channels and can support you on your spiritual journey of physical and mental health, but is not a complete substitute for your local medical office.

Please consult with your doctor if you are having severe physical symptoms of pain and discomfort.

There are a few ways that you can incorporate crystal into your chakra practice. You can use a selenite crystal, clear quartz, or moon stone to cleanse and charge each of your individual chakras.

This works by using your intention charged crystal and moving it in a counterclockwise motion in front of each chakra to cleanse and remove excess energy from each chakra wheel.

After removing excess energy you can move your crystal in a clockwise motion to charge and bring energy flow into each chakra.

I find that this is best practice on a weekly or monthly basis to help maintain energy flow, if you find that movement and meditation just doesn't fit into your daily practice.

However, there are specific crystals that have been listed above that you can hold near each chakra and keep a hold of the crystal or keep it nearby as you are saying affirmations or are performing yoga to maximize your energy flow.

Make sure each crystal you are using has been cleansed and charged with your intentions to charge yourself and become a vessel of free flowing energy.

Take just a few moments each morning to get in touch with the energy of each of your chakras and you can decide if you need to use movement, affirmation, or crystals to either dislodge excess energy or charge your chakra for maintenance of energy flow.

There is no right or wrong way for you to connect with the essences that are inside of you.

Chakra practice is an amazing way for you to connect both with your spiritual self and your physical self and I highly recommend that you give these practices a try.

At the very least I know you will enjoy connecting with yourself and giving yourself the attention you deserve.

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