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Asad Ahmed came in with some goons . The goons held all the family members.

Asad : raj and ram . It would be better if you didn't had known about me . But you got to know . Hff . What can I do . Well I just want your property nothing else from you. So just sign this property papers .

He said and give the papers to them .

Raj : you bastard ! How dare you. We will never give our property to you . It's our hardwork .

Asad : But you should! I have done so much for this property i can't loose it . Sign it otherwise i will kill all your family . Goons kept knifes on sujata and janaki's throat.

Aman saw this . He was not so small to understand what is happening. He understood what is happening and went to the goons to fight back . He bet one of the goon but that goons held him as they were more stronger.

The goons started beating him .

Sujata and janaki : Amannn..

Ram : please leave him . What he did to you.

Roshni ran to goons and started beating them with her small hands .

Roshni : leave my hero . You monster uncle's. Leave him .

She was shouting.

Aman : Kitty go back.  You will get hurt .

One of the goon pushed her and she got hit by the wall on head and got unconscious .

Aman : kitty..

All were worried.

Asad : sign fastly . I don't have time.  If you want to save your family sign it .

Raj : ok we will sign . Just stop all this .

They were about to sign but Raj immediately took the knife from one goon by beating him kept it near asad's neck .

Raj : leave all them . Otherwise i will kill you.

Asad : Hey stopp ! I will leave them . Keep that knife down .

Raj : first leave them .

Asad : leave them .

He ordered his goons .

Sujata and janaki rushed to Aman and roshni , sara . Sara was sitting in corner all scared . Sujata hugged her . Janaki hugged Aman and roshni .

That is when asad snatched the knife from Raj . They started fighting.
Ram and raj were fighting with goons . One goon pierced knife I'm sujata's stomach . She died on the spot . All became blank and shocked .

Raj : sujata...
He should . Aman was shocked and tears escaped his eyes . The goons were going towards children .

Ram : janaki .Go from here taking the children.

Janaki Started running with children. Goons started following them . They reached a jungle .

They thrown a knife and it stucked at janaki's back .

She fallen down.  She was badly hurt .

Aman : Mami . Please get up they are coming.

Roshni : Mamma.  Get up .

She cried.

Janaki : Aman please take sara and roshni and go from here .

Aman : but mami .

Janaki : Go fast .

She shouted.

Aman took sara and roshni and started running. Janaki took her last breath . Here Raj and ram also were stabbed by goons but while falling ram stabbed asad . They three were dead . A women came there . She looked at asad and tears rolled from her eyes.

Women : Asad ..

Here Aman hided with sara and roshni under a huge tree .

Roshni : i am getting scared hero .

Sara : Bhai . Where are mom and dad .

Aman hugged both of them tightly.

He was helpless. How can a 15 years boy fight with this situation. He was feelings weak . Still he wants to protect his only life's who are in his arms know .

He made sara and roshni sleep under a tree trunk and was searching for a way out.

That is when he was caught by the goons . He started fighting with them till he have energy. By sounds roshni got up and went to them .

Roshni : please uncle's stop beating him .

She pleaded them with tears .

They didn't listen .
Aman was worried for roshni but he can't do Anything. He became unconcious .

goon 1 : he might have died because of beatings . Leave him know .

goon 2 : what should we do with this girl . Shall we kill her also .

That is when they got a call .

Goon 1 attended the call .
We can listen a women's voice .

Women : what's happening there .

Goon 1 : madam this boy is dead.  But we have a girl with him . Shall we kill her also .

Women : idiots if you kill her too . How will we get property. Bring her to me .

Goons took roshni with them who was protesting.

Aman was unconcious and sara got up and saw Aman . She started crying .

Sara : Bhai get up please. Bhaiii...

# Flash back end #

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