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Third Person POV

Kurapika and Leorio sat in silence. They both were trying to figure out what went wrong. They were both hurt.


Leorio put his hand up, "No. It's– It's fine."

Kurapika sulked in his seat. He was angry at himself– no, he was upset at himself. He could feel the guilt pouring over him. He didn't do anything wrong, at least he thinks.

Leorio shook his head and buried it in his hands. He wanted to cry, he had to cry.

"I'm sorry," Kurapika mumbled, "I didn't mean to– want to hurt you. Leorio, baby."

Kurapika reached out to his partner, "Talk to me."

Leorio took his hands away from his face. He had a hurt look in his eyes which sent a feeling of shame throughout Kurapika's body.

"Don't beat yourself up," Leorio sighed, "It's not your fault."

Kurapika's eyes watered. Why did he say no?

Leorio took the miniature box out of his pocket and set it in front of Kurapika.

Kurapika looked away from him and the object. He felt terrible.

"I can't have it, and I can't return it," Leorio sighed, "You can keep it, sell it maybe. It's real diamond, expensive."

The man chuckled.

Kurapika grabbed the ring off the table. He didn't want to sell it or keep it, all he wanted was for Leorio to keep the ring and ask again once he was ready. He still loved him, but he had to say no.

"Are you saying we're done?" Kurapika mumbled, "For good?"

Leorio shook his head, "Kurapika, I don't know. Let's talk about it in the morning, okay? I thought tonight would go differently. I'll sleep on the couch tonight."

Kurapika grabbed Leorio's hand when he tried to stand up, "No, please, I'm sorry."

Leorio slipped his hand out from Kurapika's. He didn't want to sleep away from Kurapika either, but he was hurt. He wanted nothing more than to hear Kurapika change his mind, but he knew he wouldn't.

"Leorio," Kurapika's voice cracked, "I'm sorry, but I don't think we're ready. We've only been dating for a year and a half. I didn't— didn't want to hurt you. We moved in together last month, I don't think your daughter likes me, and we have a stupid argument twice a month. Like now! Why do we even need to argue about this? We can't get married, we just can't! In six months, maybe, maybe if you propose again in six months, my answer would change. Right now is not the right time; I don't want to end this, but we can't get married, not now."

Leorio sat back down, "So, what are you saying? You want me to keep the ring and try again a different day?"

"Yes!" Kurapika smiled, "That's what I'm saying. Leorio, I love you, please don't end this."

Leorio nodded, "I need a cigarette, I'm sorry."

* * *

Leorio looked over at Kurapika, he still looked upset from the night before. It looked like he got no sleep.

Leorio handed Kurapika a bowl, "You should eat, I made huevos ahogados."

"I'm not hungry," Kurapika murmured and pushed the bowl away.

"Eat your breakfast, you need to eat," Leorio slid the bowl back to Kurapika.

Kurapika looked away from the bowl, "I said, I'm not hungry. Don't force me to eat if I don't want to."

Kurapika pushed the bowl more aggressively.

"Eat it," Leorio gave the bowl back to Kurapika.

"I don't want to eat your nasty food!" Kurapika shoved the bowl to Leorio.

The bowl of food fell off of the table and spilled all over Leorio. Leorio stood up quickly and aggressively.

"Shit!" Leorio cursed, "It's still hot, Kurapika!"

Kurapika put his head in his hands. He was tearing up; he wanted to cry.

"I'm sorry!" Kurapika cried, "I just—"

Kurapika laid his head down on the table. He was tired, so tired. 

Leorio looked at Kurapika, he couldn't stand this— him. Kurapika wasn't making him mad, he was only making him stressed and anxious.

"Kurapika," Leorio sat down, "We— I think we should talk about this. I— I love you, and I agree with you, we aren't ready."

Kurapika looked up at him.

"We aren't ready for marriage, and we aren't ready for," Leorio paused and grabbed Kurapika's hand, "We aren't ready for each other. I love you so much, and I will never stop loving you."

"Leorio," Kurapia shook his head, "No. No, please."

"I think we need a break, I— we need to figure our lives out. I won't sleep with or do anything with other people, but right now we can't be together."

"Are you serious?" Kurapika's voice cracked.

"I'm so sorry, Sunshine," Leorio brought Kurapika's hand to his lips, "I'm so sorry."

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