The Bar

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Kurapika's POV

"Leo," I mumbled into the phone, "I told you five times already, I'm at the bar."

"I'll ask you again, with who?" My boyfriend asked.

"Friends from work! I am with friends from work. We won a big case today and we're out celebrating–"

"Who are you with?"

"Melody, Basie, and like everyone else from the office–"

"You liar," Leo grumbled, "Come home, now."

Leo hung up the phone before I could say anything. He's always so controlling, god forbid I hang out with people once and awhile.

I groaned and shoved my phone into my pants pocket. I opened the restroom and walked over to my co-workers.

"I'm sorry, guys," I picked up my coat off the booth, "Leo doesn't fucking trust me, so I need to go home before he blows up my damn phone. Again, I'm sorry, bye."

I walked away from them before any of them replied. I didn't want to hear their sympathy, I didn't need to either. I can handle my life myself.

I was a bit tipsy exiting the bar, I had probably one or two shots before Leo called me. The closest bus stop was five minutes away, so it's not like anyone needed to follow me. I was fine on my own.

I was looking down at my feet as I walked. I wouldn't have seen if anyone was walking in front of me, or if I was about to bump into someone. Well, I wouldn't have seen him anyway because he was around the corner.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

I didn't look at the man, I just took a step away and continued to walk.


I stopped walking and turned around.

"I'm sorry? Do I know you?" I asked the man.

I could see the guy clearly now. He was definitely taller than me, way taller than me. He was definitely not a white guy, his hair was dark brown and his eyes were hazel. He was hot.

"Uh," He stepped closer, "yeah, I think we do. You are Kurapika Kurta, right?"

"Yes, I am," I stood up straighter, "Do I know you?"

He smiled, "We went to high-school together. I'm Leorio, Leorio Paladiknight?"

Just my fucking luck. I hated him, no, I despised him. He was a terrible person and I wanted him dead. I still want him dead.

I cleared my throat, "I don't remember you."

He sighed, "Every interaction we had was an argument. I use to call you a lot of offensive things."

"Oh!" I pretended to be surprised, "Yeah, yeah I definitely remember you now. You were a total jerk."

"Yeah, I was more than a jerk," He clicked his tongue, "I was trying to make myself feel better by bullying the living shit out of you, and I was thinking about you a lot in university, and how I was a fucking bastard. I am so sorry, but turns out I'm a hypocrite. So, I'm really sorry."

I nodded, "Yeah."

"So," He shrugged, "How've you been?"

I laughed, "I'm as good as a thirty-year-old can be. I'm good though, I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm– I'm doing alright," He kicked the dirt, "So, what do you do for work?"

"I'm an attorney," I smiled.

I'm an attorney, a good one too. There's no way he could beat that. Leorio probably turned out to work at some fast food place. I highly doubt he could be successful, he was a dumbass.

"Really?" He smiled back, "Wow, that's awesome."

"Yeah, and what about you?"

"Oh, I'm a doctor."

I raised my eyebrows. He's probably not getting a high pay, he's not that great.

"What kind of doctor?" I asked.

"Cardiologist, that's the heart and shit," He sounded embarrassed.

"You're a cardiologist. I wasn't expecting that, congrats, good job."

"You didn't think I could become a doctor?"

"To be honest," I replied, "No, no I didn't."

"I didn't either," Leorio joked.

I don't why I turned to talk to him, but I could tell he changed. His apology seemed genuine, but I don't know if I should forgive him.

I remember in school he hated everyone, he wasn't an ass to everyone, but it was clear he wanted to.

"I haven't see you since graduation," I said, "Did you leave Manhattan?"

"No, I actually was studying abroad in Spain. I just got my degree two years ago."

"Wow, you are a successful man, huh?" I smiled slightly.

"I'm turning my life around, I'm trying to be the best I can. I'm a doctor, I have my doctorate degree, and I have a lovely boyfriend," He listed, "I'm becoming a better person."

"That's great, I'm glad you're getting your life together."

I was jealous of him. How did he get his life together before me? Out of everyone I know, it was Leorio. Leorio Fucking Paladiknight. He had a better paying job, a better degree, most likely a better boyfriend. His life seems great.

"Hey," Leorio spoke up, "I'm heading down to the bar, do you wanna a get drink?"

"I–uh no, no," I answered, "I need to get home. I'm sorry, maybe some other time? I could give you my number?"

"Yeah, yeah," He took out his phone, "That sounds good."

* * *

"Can you believe that, Leo? My high school bully turned out to be more successful than me! He also turned out to be gay too? Fuck him!" I complained to my boyfriend, "He's a cardiologist! A cardiologist makes six-hundred-thousand per year! I make ninety-thousand!"

I looked at Leo, he was still on his phone. He wasn't paying any attention to me.

"Leo, are you even listening to me?" I growled.

"Mhm, yeah."

He wasn't.

"So anyway," I sat down beside him, "He asked me if I wanted to get a drink with him–"

"He asked you out?"

"No," I muttered, "He has a boyfriend."

"So he's also into guys?" Leo sounded angry.

I rolled my eyes, "He has a boyfriend."

"You said yourself he was an asshole. How do you know he won't cheat with you? Did he give you his number?"

I paused, "No, no, he didn't."

Leo glanced at me, he knew I was lying. I didn't want to start an argument, but I knew it was coming. I refused to look at my boyfriend.

"He did you fucking liar. Delete his number, I don't want you talking to him."

"I'm going to bed. Fuck you, Leo."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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