Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Gem felt dizzy as she woke up. Her chest was heaving up and down because of her nervousness when she fell.
When she scanned her surroundings, she felt as though her eyes were tainted by the shining, shimmering, splendid- I mean dazzling decoration in the room.
Like the brightly colored pink curtains. Sparkling purple mattress with matching sparkling pink quilts. She had goosebumps all over her body.
When she's about to get up, she feels dizzy, and familiar yet unfamiliar memories come crashing through her head, making her fall down again.
She wants to call someone but finds that her voice sounds hoarse from the lack of water.
Memories of a person who seemed to be her and not like her at the same time made her confused.
But as a stable woman, she calmed down quickly and closed her eyes to analyze her current situation. 
After some careful consideration, she looked at the smooth and soft hands that she's not quite familiar with since she used to have thin, calloused hands after holding a gun for decades.
Critically processing and getting information from her current body, she seemed to realize something ridiculous. Because the names and scenes this body has in her memory are similar to a book one of her colleagues in the agency forced her to read.
And she actually became the biggest villain in the novel. An ancient western-style novel where she's the youngest daughter of a Marshal-the highest rank in the military who held most of the power in military and second only to the king when it comes to authority.
The novel is entitled "My lovely Knights." It is about a foreign girl who came to this hidden kingdom accidentally. And accidentally meeting the important figures of this kingdom and making them fall in love with her.

Of course, this only includes the talented men, as the average ones were left as background just so it could highlight the popularity of the heroine.
Gem actually remembered the memories of the previous life in the first part of the story when Gem's fiancee, which is the crown prince, wants to annul their engagement so that he can follow the heroine, who wants to go back to find her home.
As a result, Gem begged for him not to annul their engagement and even sacrificed her own health just so the Crown Prince would feel guilty and not annul it. 
The Gem, who finally remembered the memories of her previous life, palmed at her stupidity. She, who has lived in a modern society as an independent woman, felt ashamed for what she did in this life.
So stupid.
What she understood at this point was that she'd been reborn. But her previous' life memories just came back just now since this person really resembles her.
Gem walked towards a mirror and almost became like Narcissmo, who fell in love with himself. The person in the mirror looks like her in her previous life, but her features are more highlighted. And her previous full lips are still the same, except that right now they are exuding a unique kind of cluster. Her eyes are still pure, clear black, but the previous black hair turned more black like ink, shiny, and soft like silk.
The skin is also delicate, but she looks sickly pale right now, making her seem like a beautiful, starving ghost. Starving since her cheeks are slightly sunken due to malnutrition.
Remembering this, her stomach grumbled. She really seemed to be famished.
She opened the door of her bedroom to go out, forgetting to wear slippers. The floor made her shiver in the cold earlier.
It seems that sun was about to make it appearance, and now she's starting to hear the sound of the maids getting up and getting ready.
When she just passed by a room, she heard a scream behind her, startling her enough to almost have a heart attack.
She looked back and saw the maid gasp. "M-Miss... The Miss is awake!" She yelled.
"THE MISS IS AWAKE! THE MISS IS AWAKE! THE MISS IS AWAAAAKE!" The maid yelled louder and repeatedly said the same phrase like a broken radio.
With the attitude of the former and current lives mixed, Gem glared at the maid, making the maid shut her mouth.

The pressure her glare emitted was so great that the maid was scared witless.

'Why does it feels similar to the way the second young master stare?' The maid thought as she shivered and bowed heavily.
This is one of the attitudes her previous and current lives share. 
Seeing the maid cover her mouth and bowed as she retreated, she smiled satisfactorily, but then her stomach grumbled again, making her frown.
Hearing that the Miss was hungry, the maid quickly left to report to the kitchen.
The shrill scream was so loud that a lot of maids and butlers attended to her after knowing that she was awake.
They cleaned and helped her dress up. With the memory integrated, she quickly adapted.
The breakfast was ready, and by the time they finished the morning routine, a butler led her to the dining table.
No one's sitting there, and she's the first to come. The thing is that the general rarely goes here to have his breakfast as he's always on the battlefield, while her siblings went early to practice. Only her and her mother are here.
She didn't dare to eat first, even when her stomach was protesting, and she waited for her mother. The moment she heard the steps, she relaxed.
A beautiful woman dressed in a white gown came into view. She has ink-like hair and black, clear eyes, just like Gem. She carried an elegant aura as she entered the room, making Gem gape at her in awe.
This woman is her mother. She looks exactly like her mother before, and coupled with the feelings of her current body, she started to tear up.
Despite her feeling hungry, Gem got up and embraced her.
Hugging her tightly, as if the person in her arms would vanish if she didn't. "Mom... Mother"
This is her mother, now and before.
Mariyah Evelyn Saniyah Barsocchini.

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