Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
"Ladies, hear me out. After the incident in the banquet, it's like I've been slapped by reality," Gem began to act so she could carry her plans to action.
She was wiping her crocodile tears with much sadness. "The prince... he actually doesn't like me."
The ladies gasped in exaggeration. Covering their parted mouths elegantly.
"That can't be my lady, the prince likes you. I'm sure of it. If not, then why did he agree to be your fiance?"
Gem knew that the prince really didn't like her and was forced by his parents and situation since Gem is the youngest daughter of the general. Marrying her can further fortify their position, not only in the government but also in the military.
She shook her head at them, looking sad. "And I'm planning to file an annulment."
The ladies felt so much more shocked this time. Lady Gem, whom they watched and joined in the journey of pursuing their desired man, was actually the first one to surrender.
"My lady, this is just a trial of love. " lady Lavinia said with so much compassion.
The others nodded at her eagerly. 
Gem almost face-palmed at them. She actually transformed this innocent and shy maidens into a romantic delusional fools. 
"I actually found that they're leaving. Leaving the kingdom to accompany that woman to go back where she came from." Lady Gem stared at them with moist eyes. Her acting deserves an Oscar award.
This time, the ladies' reaction is so comical. It's as if they've eaten a fly but can't spit it out. Turning pale. 
"Is what the lady's saying true?" Lavinia stuttered. Her heart ached after knowing that her beloved would actually chase after another woman. Not thinking of her.
"But brother Den didn't tell me anything. He's leaving me?" Lady Clementine started to cry. Her face showed helplessness and fear of being abandoned.
Gem immediately hugged her to soothe her emotions. She can't bear to see this innocent girl cry. Gem could say that among these girls, she's the purest of them all. Easily deceived and taken advantage of.
Even her childhood sweetheart, whom she calls brother Den, took advantage of her in the book. She is also deceived by the heroine, making Clementine a villain in everyone's eyes. But since the novel is from the heroine's perspective, who thinks that she didn't do anything wrong, and since one of her suitors, Hayden, is Clementine's childhood sweetheart, the heroine didn't like her. So the reader also doesn't like her. How funny.
Gem looked at the girl in her arms. How can this fragile girl be a villain? Such innocence should be protected.
"Is that the reason he's been avoiding me very much lately?"
"Does the Lord don't like me at all? What if he really doesn't take me in his eyes at all since the first time we met?" Lady Giselle put her hand above Miss Primrose' hand.
Lady Giselle was also shaken by what Lady Gem confessed. But she can only stay silent and hold her future sister-in-law's hand.
Miss Primrose' emotions can be easily unstable. Always coming to a lot of assumptions and conclusions, a lot of what-if's. In short, an overthinker.
"M-maybe the lady's mistaken."
Lady Gem cut her off. "Are you saying that I'm lying?"
She used coercion. She can only use these methods to wake these girls up. 
Gem will only use words first, if they can't let them go and foolishly send their lives away, that's the time when she'll take action herself. She'll watch first, since she can't always take care of them and she also has her own problems to solve.
As if forfeiting, she sighed helplessly. "If you don't believe what I say, you can ask them yourself. But I'm really serious about the annulment, as I realized my worth and that I deserve a person whose heart can only be exclusively mine."
She gave them a dazzling smile. But at this time, the ladies are immersed at the fact that their man will leave them for another woman.
After repeated persuasion, she could only abandon the topic and chat casually. She'll maintain a wait-and-see attitude. Too much intervention may cause more harm than good. 
Gem bid the ladies goodbye after their visit.
Without wasting any more time, she requested an audience with the king. Wanting to cut the relationship and stay as far away as possible from the prince immediately.
During the time she's waiting, Madam Mariyah personally nurses Lady Gem back to health. Gem's originally pale face because of being ill turned into a rosy one, enjoying the company of her mother as she waited for the king to call her to the palace. 
She's confident that his majesty, the king, won't refuse her request. Not only because she's engaged with the prince, but because she's the youngest daughter of the general.
So after a week, the king sent her a letter inviting her to the palace.
"Sure enough." Lady Gem curled her lips into a smile. 
Not wasting any more time, she bids goodbye to her mother, who is looking at her worriedly. 
"I promised mother, I won't do anything stupid while in the palace. I will only go there for the annulment," Lady Gem assured her mother, hugging Madam Mariyah before getting in the carriage.
Madam Mariyah can't help but be worried this time. She knows how much her daughter loves the prince. She knows that her daughter won't lie to her about the annulment, but once Gem sees the prince again, she might have a change of heart. 
The madam sighed. She can only hope that her daughter really changes for the better. So that her heart won't be easily shaken and she can use her brain to do the right thing.
In the carriage...
Lady Gem held a handkerchief in hand, which she had sewn personally for the prince. Both her and the prince's initials are especially elegantly embroidered in the corner.
Showing the exceptional skill and care of the person who embroidered it. 
If the prince is just a little bit more considerate, he will appreciate it. Unfortunately, he's a love-sick fool whose eyes only have Alyzza in them. 
Receiving a handkerchief from a woman who is a stumble block for him in chasing Alyzza, he won't appreciate it and may even throw it and step on it.
If you read it from Alyzza's point of view, it's undoubtedly satisfying. But from the perspective of insignificant characters such as Lady Gem, it's frustrating.
She looked out of the window, thinking of ways to annul the engagement with the prince without giving the king a chance to refuse. And also to maintain her reputation after this annulment, which will surely cause controversy. 

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