Chapter 5

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Dedicated to Syyyyyes

Chapter 5
While riding in the carriage, gazing out the window, Lady Gem spotted someone familiar seated alone in a restaurant.
She halted the carriage and decided to console the seemingly lonely girl.
Lady Gem strode unhurriedly towards the luxurious restaurant. Amidst the luxury of the restaurant that's surrounding her, her exquisite visage and graceful demeanor remained unparalleled.
The aristocrats couldn't help but gaze at this young miss of the Barsocchinis.
"Would you mind if I join you?" Lady Gem inquired.
Miss Alea was taken aback, coming back to her senses to find Lady Gem addressing her.
She rose quickly, poised to bow, but Lady Gem halted her.
"No need for formalities, Miss Alea. You're making it seem like we're not friends."
Alea's eyes widened. "But, my lady..."
Lady Gem made a hush gesture, shutting off her next words so she could only retake her seat. 
Miss Alea ordered some more pastries and tea. And personally, she poured tea for Lady Gem.
"I was on my way home when I spotted Lady Alea looking lonely here, and I couldn't leave my friend in such a state, could I?"
Miss Alea felt embarrassed, oblivious to the softness of the tone that Lady Gem used. 
She covered her flushed cheeks in shame. "Forgive me for interrupting your journey, my lady."
Lady Gem waved it off. "No bother. What concerns me is, why's Miss Alea sitting alone here, appearing like an abandoned cub?"
Alea's cheeks reddened further because of what lady Gem referred to—a cub? 
The person in question looked as ripe as a potato and like a volcano that's about to erupt with how red her face is.
'How sensitive. How endearing.'
Lady Gem felt the urge to pinch those flushed cheeks so much. 
It's rare to see someone as composed as Miss Alea flustered. As the daughter of a merchant, she's bound to be stable, always composed, and witty as she deals with people and money every day. 
That's why Lady Gem watched her changing expression with delight. 
Seeing Lady Gem's amused expression, Miss Alea realized she was being teased and composed herself.
Her facade would have been flawless if not for her crimson ears, betraying her stoic demeanor and eliciting laughter from Lady Gem.
The unpleasant feelings caused by the prince's action earlier were completely swept away because of the rare sight of Miss Alea's embarrassed appearance. 
Miss Alea sighed. "It's nothing worth mentioning, my lady."
Lady Gem raised an eyebrow and said, "Anything that can make Lady Alea look like that is worth discussing, dear."
Her casual inquiry touched Miss Alea deeply, lowering her guard, as it often did in Lady Gem's presence.
"Come on," she encouraged.
Miss Alea looked at her and recalled what she said when they visited her.
Recalling Lady Gem's words during their previous encounter, Miss Alea asked instead, "Will Sir Pierro truly depart the kingdom? I fail to comprehend as he is a guardian of the kingdom, dedicated to the welfare of its people, just and righteous in his duties. If he leaves, what will become of the kingdom?" What will become of me? 
Gem almost frowned at the praise coming out of her mouth. A person like that doesn't deserve such praise from her friend.
And the way she speaks is so formal and truly like a noble. 
Although Gem has the memory of the previous her and should've been speaking like she did too, she can't help but curse those idiots. 
'fucking sons of the bitches'
Those infatuated fools failed to grasp the value of what they had and chased after a mere woman of unknown origin and brazen. 
Lady Gem wondered how these so-called good men became so foolishly enamored with the heroine when their own betrothed and admirers were far superior to Alyzza. 
But no matter how Gem complains, this is the plot of the novel, and she can only try to save these poor girls from their miserable endings. 
Since she's done cutting off the relationship between her and the prince, what's left is improving the relationship with her family and helping her friends.
As a good friend. She'll give some advice to keep them on the right path. 
However, prying too much might alert someone as astute as Lady Alea, who is accustomed to dealing with shrewd individuals in business. Thus, Lady Gem decided to gradually alter her perception of Sir Pierro.
"Miss Alea, do you know what I realized after hearing the news of them leaving? It's that they don't care about the kingdom; they care little for the kingdom. That foreigner weighs more than the safety of the kingdom for him... for them... 
That's why I broke the engagement with the prince. Because the person that I fell in love with was the prince who's good to his people, the prince who respects his parents, and the prince who, no matter how I annoyed, was still patient with me. Yet the prince I'm seeing now... So what I'm saying is, he is not the man I once loved."
"My mother believed that a woman should offer herself to her husband, and the husband should cherish his wife. It is not one-sided."
"Miss Alea, think of this carefully. A man who harbors affections for another will never regard you as highly as his beloved. Forcing it will only bring us misery." Lady Gem continued. 
Having delivered her succinct words, Lady Gem bid farewell, announcing her intention to take a brief stroll.
Lady Alea is a witty woman, so Lady Gem expected her to understand what she's trying to say; it's even straightforward. So Gem left Alea alone with no worries. 
Lady Alea looked at the departing carriage carrying Lady Gem, contemplating her words. 
'A woman should offer herself to her husband, and the man should cherish his wife.'
She had offered herself and everything she possessed to him and his family, yet he never took good care of her. 
Shaking her head, she resolved to visit Sir Pierro at the barracks once more.
She loves and admires Sir Pierro so much that she can't just let go. He's the man she could only admire from afar before, and now that she can get close to him, she can't just let go and turn those efforts of hers in vain. 
"Lady Gem was right, I shall offer myself to him until my sincerity touches him, until he cherishes me." Alea murmured, gazing out the window, disregarding the last part of what Lady Gem said. 
Gem didn't know that her already straightforward advice had been misunderstood.
No matter how witty or smart a person can be, when it comes to love, It's nothing. Because in the face of love, everyone's a fool. 

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