Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
While wandering around the street, Gem noticed that someone was tailing her. 
As a former agent, such a low quality of tailing someone was nothing. She's even getting second-hand embarrassment from the person following her.
She frowned slightly but was also curious as to what this someone wanted to do, so she told the servant and bodyguards beside her to leave her alone. 
Her reason? 
"I want to be alone, please leave me for a while." she said. 
The servants looked at each other and tacitly retreated. Understanding that their lady was sad and felt a bit of pity for their lady about what happened earlier with the prince. 
Finally alone, Gem walked leisurely. Leading the person hiding in the dark into a street with no people. 
To counter such a lowly of following someone, Gem used a lowly method on how to make the person reveal itself too. 
She purposely walked into an alley with no people, and there was a dead end. 
She looked flatly at the wall, which indicated that it's the end and she doesn't have a place to escape. Not because she's cornered, but because she felt the person tailing her reveal itself and was now behind her. 
Instead of asking who or what this person wants with her, she just looked at him. Yes, it's a him
Although his face was covered with black clothing, his tall and flat chest revealed his gender. 
The man in black was also perplexed by how calm the target was, even after being cornered, but what can a young lady possibly do? 
He raised his hand, and men covered in black clothing like him appeared too. Encircling her. 
'This was getting out of hand,' Gem thought, but she still remained calm. 
Feeling the confusion of the men that's surrounding her, Gem's calm face finally broke. 
Her eyelashes trembled as she gripped her dress. Feigning scared. 
As an agent in her precious life, she needs to be flexible. Learn how to do everything so she can execute her mission perfectly. One of them was acting. 
When the men noticed this, they smirked. Thinking that her previous calmness was only an act to fool them into thinking that she's not scared. 
They're startled when Gem suddenly kneels and says, "Please spare me."
"Hah! Looked at this. A noble kneeling. Where did your pride and arrogance go?" one of the men ridiculed, but Gem only lowered her eyes, and no one could see what her expression was.

Based on her shaking shoulder, though, the men assumed that she's crying. 
"If you obediently follow us, then we will not hurt you." a man said in a tone as if he's helping her. He motioned to one of the men to approach the lady. 
The man approached aggressively and almost shoved the handkerchief containing a medicine that could make one sleep into Gem's mouth. 
Gem held her breath but still let her body be soft and fell. Her acting deserves an Oscar award. 
Seeing her 'fainted', the men carried her to a carriage prepared in advance and set off. 
Gem wasn't scared because, with her family, who move fast, they will certainly know that she's been kidnapped and will find her location in a short time.

Also, if they can't find her, Gem alone could take these men down by herself directly, but because of the weak constitution of her current body, she will also suffer some injuries. 
But what's important is that she will win! 
When the carriage stopped, Gem still pretended to be unconscious, but she was a bit dissatisfied when she was carried like a sack of rice. 
Her stomach hurts, but she endured until she was thrown harshly to the ground. 
"Tie her hands on a chair. That should be enough."
"What if she escapes?" 
"What could a spoiled and weak little girl possibly do? If it were one of her brothers and that brute of a sister of her, then even if you tie both their hands and feet with chains, it won't be enough to restrain them. This one is the most stupid and weak among that hateful family."
"Is that so?" The other voice said with a tinge of innocence. 
Gem felt her hands being tied clumsily, and she even helped a little so the other person could tie her more easily. 
She felt like laughing after being tied. Everything they've been doing so far has been so immature that she's getting second-hand embarrassment. 
"So unprofessional" she muttered to herself as the group of men had already left. 
She untied her hands and looked at her surroundings. It's nothing but an abandoned room. It's so dirty, and there's even a smell of not being lived with. Not ventilated at all. 
Gem studied the room for awhile and found nothing to her disappointment. 
She heard footsteps coming closer to the room she's currently in. She tied the rope to her hand again and went back to the seat. 
The door opened, and it was still the same men. This time, though, Gem didn't pretend to be unconscious, but as if she just woke up. 
"What happened? Where am I?" she asked anxiously. Her face looked so scared, much to the men's satisfaction. 
"Be good, and we won't hurt you; otherwise, we won't mind tasting you. The mission didn't state that you shouldn't be broken when you're returned, as long as you're alive," a middle-aged man who pulled down his mask laughed. His yellow teeth were exposed. 
So disgusting. 
The other three seemed to also like the idea, and their eyes flickered with desire. Their eyes seem to be stripping her naked. 
"I-i... I will cooperate with you if you tell me who is paying you for this." Gem felt goosebumps at her own words. 
The three men removed their masks, and their faces were revealed. 
Are they not afraid that I will remember their faces and that he will want them after she is returned? 
And what is the use of these fucking masks in the first place? Are they shooting something or what? Revealing their faces? These idiots. 
One of the men leaned toward her and sniffed her neck. Gem shrank her neck, and a look of fear made its way to her beautiful face. 
"Smells good. I can't imagine how soft and fragrant you would be to touch."
"Let me smell too. I want to know what a noble lady's smell would be like."
"Me first, that beautiful face and white body writhing under me and dirtied by three 'lowly' commoners. It's so hot."
"Mnn. I can't wait to have this proud woman begging and screaming under me like a bitch. Ahh... I'm hard."
The other three started making their way to her, so Gem can only use force to get information. . 
Well, the last sentence was actually what triggered her. 
In her previous life and until now, rapists were what she hated the most. 
She untied the rope she tied herself to quickly. She lifted the chair she's sitting on and smashed it to their lewd, disgusting faces. 

Her move caught the four off-guard.
As the two received the most impact, they fell, not unconscious but dizzy, and their noses were broken. 
The other was only pushed back, was stunned, and didn't recover quickly from the sudden change of situation.
Gem used this moment to swiftly move behind them and press their acupuncture points. 
She did the same with the other two and tied them with a rope. 
The four looked at the young lady, who was sitting on the chair she used to smash into them earlier, in horror. 
No matter what they did, they weren't able to move. 
They may be just some thugs, but they knew a little bit about this. This lady must know martial art, it could be the only explanation for why they aren't able to move aside from her being a witch. 
As expected, that family hid the truth that even this seemingly weak girl was able to make those moves! How could a daughter from a family of generals not know how to fight? They should've known. 
That family truly hides deep. How hateful! 
The four truly misunderstand, as the former really knows nothing aside from shite, like chasing after some nonsense, for example, the prince. 

Also, even with her skill, if she faced them directly earlier, she would suffer injuries too. Luckily, she caught them off-guard.
Gem smiled evilly as she stared at them intently. 
The four men, who were flaunting their arrogance a moment ago, trembled under her gaze. 
She went to the man who said that he's hard and stepped on the bulge in his pants. 
The man screamed in pain, "Please have mercy on me. I'm wrong. I was wrong."
"Aren't you hard?" Gem asked as she stepped on it harder. 
The man can't plead anymore as the pain took away his reasons and he could only scream. 
Gem smirked cruelly. "Whose screaming like a bitch now, mn?"
Snots and tears filled the man's face as he screamed in pain. Gem was annoyed by his voice and thoroughly stepped on it. 
She doesn't know how, but she seemed to have heard a popping sound before the man fainted. 
The other three paled at the sight of this woman cutting a man's future. 
They unconsciously want to close their legs to hide their genitals when they can't move at all. 
Gem sat back in the chair. "So, are you willing to talk or not?"
"Will talk, will talk. Please spare me," one of the men answered while the other two trembled. They didn't answer, but there's fear in their eyes. 
Gem raised an eyebrow. 
"I will tell you everything that I know, but please spare me. Let me go."
Gem narrowed her eyes while looking at the man. Tapping her fingers on the armchair. 
The man who spoke felt uneasy as the time passed, and Gem didn't answer and was just looking at him. Sweats formed on his forehead because of nervousness. 
"Okay, I will let you go, but you should tell me everything. If you don't, then I won't hesitate to..." Gem smirked. She didn't continue her words, but what she's implying was as clear as day. 
If the man could only move, then he would've been nodding frantically right now. 
Just as the man was about to speak, Gem suddenly stood up. Her eyes were vigilant. 
She heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching her door. With a swift and silent movement, she positioned herself behind the door, ready to strike.
As the door creaked open, the intruder stepped inside. Before he could fully enter, Gem launched herself forward. She wanted to immobilize the intruder by hitting his acupuncture points, but her hand was caught! 
Not one to surrender, she unleashed a barrage of precise strikes and kicks, but Gem didn't expect the other person to be a master, and her attacks were countered. 
In mere seconds, the two had already exchanged dozens of blows. But Gem suddenly stopped and backed out. Not because she's scared, but because she noticed the logo on the man's clothes. 
They looked at each other quietly before the breathless Gem slumped herself into the chair, exhausted. 
This damn body was so weak! 
She revealed her vulnerability to this intruder because she found out that it's not an enemy. 
"Miss Barsocchini?" The man asked. His voice was low and stiff. 
Gem glanced at him sideways before humming. 
Gem recognized him as the Lieutenant General and that Pierro bastard’s older brother.

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