Chapter 8

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(Warning!! This chapter contains references to harassment and attempted assault. If these topics are sensitive to you, feel free to skip this section.) 

Without caring about anything, she leaped out of her bed and dashed to the door, but came face-to-face with a middle-aged man in white clothes. Behind him were her mother and some servants. 
Both parties were taken aback. 
Gem was the first to recover, pushed the physician aside and reached for her mother, her voice trembling with urgency. "Mom! Alea, Giselle, Clementine, Lavinia, and Primrose, they're in danger too. They've been captured!"
She held her mother's hand tightly because she was her last straw. She's stuttering out of genuine concern for the five girls. 
Unlike before, in her previous life, she could do what she wanted, or more like, she needed to do everything by herself. But now she has a family. And they're worried about her, so she will surely be kept inside her bedroom until she's fully healed, but she doesn't want that. Not until she's sure that those girls are safe. 
Mariyah's eyes narrowed upon hearing what her daughter said. "So not only my daughter but also her friends!? Those people sure have guts!" she said to herself. 
She looked at her worried daughter and patted her back. "You rest, and I will handle it."
Gem shook her head.

Although her family moves fast, they won't be able to find the five of them until the next day. But not her, because with the memory of the plot and the settings, she can do something to avoid this part of the plot in which the villainesses started blackening. 
Those girls' innocence wouldn't be preserved if she waited. They need to be rescued before dawn. 
She vividly remembered Clementine and Alea's location, as this incident will be the starting point of the countless scheming and dramas. Also, the time when they become villainesses. 

The other three's locations were only briefly mentioned. Only a few words but can actually ruin a life. 
Clementine was the first to blacken. It wasn't anything unexpected, as she's the most pure and innocent but also easily tainted. 
Confusing right from wrong. 
Gem planned to find her first, as she suffered the most traumatizing event. 
She was gang raped. Her kidnappers showed no mercy, as she was ravaged and lost her chastity in the most brutal way, which was followed by her family's downfall. 
She was already alone and naked, with dull eyes staring at the knights who came to rescue her. And then, without even having the time to recover from the traumatizing event, her childhood brother treated her coldly. Shunned by ladies and avoided like a plague. 
Her 'brother Den's family also broke off the promised wedding of the two as she had already lost her chastity. 
And then her parents wanted to care for her, comfort her, and find justice for their daughter, but they were faced with an edict of life imprisonment. 
Accused of embezzling the kingdom's money, extortion, and bribery with other officials. 
Marquees and Marchioness Dove know that they can't escape this ordeal, so they did all they could to not implicate their only daughter. But it was all in vain.
Clementine was alone. She tried to seek comfort from her brother, but was ruthlessly chased away. 
She was confused, hurt, and helpless, but no one was there to comfort her and say that everything's alright. Well nothing's alright anyway.
The only people who didn't avoid her were Gem and the others, as they also suffered. 
These girls seek comfort from each other's warmth. They whispered consoling words, and as Gem was the leader, they found strength. 
They all tried to stand up again and managed to find the culprit of their suffering. The case was investigated carefully and meticulously, and in the end, all of the arrows pointed to the leader of the bandits, who 'coincidentally' has a relationship with that foreign girl. 
This was when this group of wounded cubs started to crazily attack the heroine. 
So Gem resolutely refused to sleep without ensuring the safety of these girls. 
She managed to escape, but what about them? 
Seeing the firm and determined light in her daughter's eyes, Mariyah can only compromise and let her change her clothes. 
She also wants to make the physician run a full body checkup, but under Gem's glare, the poor physician can only say that there's nothing serious and that it was all scratches, so Mariyah let her daughter out. 
When Gem went out, Percival was nowhere to be seen, probably dealing with those thugs. 
Mariyah was restless and worried about her daughter. Seeing that her son was busy, she called lieutenant General Wilde to accompany her daughter as she also changed clothes to participate in the search after confirming that her daughter's friends seemed to be missing as well. 
So in the middle of the night, it was very lively. 
Gem's body constitution was worse than that of a normal person, so she's inside a carriage while the others are guarding the carriage and mounting a horse. 
Gem was restless as time was short, and it would be no different from the plot of the novel if this continued, so she opened the curtain and poked her head out of the window. Looking for the lieutenant. 
She gestured for him to come over. 
"I apologize for the disturbance, but with us together, I think that it will be already late once we find them, so I suggest that we separately find them. With this, we can rescue them faster."
Lieutenant General Wilde just looked at her, so Gem doesn't know whether he agreed or not. 
She gritted her teeth. "This Miss might have no rank, but my mother ordered that you will be under me in this mission. So listen to my instruction and let's separate. You rescue Miss Haolan and Miss Arabella as I rescue Lady Clementine, Lady Lavinia, and Lady Giselle."
He looked at her intently and slightly frowned. 
"This miss can take care of herself, and I know their location, so a few knights by my side were already enough. Miss Haolan and Miss Arabella were in the eastern suburbs of the kingdom. Miss Haolan was near the coal mine, while Miss Arabella's exact location... I will leave it to you."
Gem doesn't dare underestimate this man, as she knows that he's capable, otherwise, he won't be promoted to his current ranks at such a young age. 
And releasing the exact location of Alea was already suspicious, if she revealed more, it would be troublesome, and it's not like she knows the exact location of Miss Primrose. What she only knew was that her location was near where Miss Alea was confined. 
She was about to close the curtain when she remembered something and looked outside again. 
"If any of the two of them even have a single strand of their hair missing, don't blame me for not being polite, Lieutenant," Gem said as her eyes flashed a light of killing intent. 
Seeing him just stare at her for awhile before maneuvering his horse and giving instructions to his soldiers, Gem was satisfied. 
At the end, lieutenant general Wilde left with fifteen knights while leaving the other half to her. 
"Faster" Gem ordered the coachman as the knights outside also whipped their horses to catch up with the disappearing carriage in the distance. 
The carriage was so fast, and the road was sometimes bumpy, making Gem dizzy, but she held on and even ordered her to drive even faster. 
It was a race against time. Every second that passed was of great importance. She can't afford to be late. 
When the carriage was slowing down, Gem opened the door and was already prepared to come out the moment the carriage stopped. 
She scanned the surroundings and noticed that it's a desolate street with no people. 
If she remembered correctly, then this place was one of the major projects of the Dove Marquisette for the commoners and had the most cases of death because of starvation. 
All the people from this place have been evacuated to a newly built, renovated street on the north. 
The Marquisette was truly generous, as two-story houses were built all throughout 'Pearl Street, named by the only Miss of Marquisette, Lady Clementine Dove. 
The houses were given to every household for free, and they even offered jobs and work! Donated start-up money for growing vegetables or raising poultry. This work was even highly praised by the king himself. 
But the place where Lady Clementine's family helped was actually the place where her nightmares will be made.
They managed to help the people from here escape this hell, but she was unable to help herself.
This street was abandoned, and no sign of life can be seen, so the commotion caused by the thugs can be considered large and can be heard even from a distance. 
The carriage was stopped due to the broken debris of the old houses obstructing the way, so Gem and the others could only walk. 
Gem's face darkened as she heard audible sounds of men laughing. Her pace fastened, but the steps were light, as if walking in the wind. 
The knights following behind her tried to also lighten their footsteps, as it might alarm the perpetrators and allow them to escape. All were vigilant and always ready for action.
When Gem came to the old house where the sound was coming off, she didn't hesitate and kicked off the barely holding-on door. 
Although her body was still hurting and exhausted, she didn't show it and came up to be full of vitality, as her face was livid in anger. 
The men in the room don't seem to notice that someone intruded, as they were immersed in the show of a noble lady being humiliated by a commoner. 
Gem was furious as she saw Lady Clementine as the subject of these assholes' amusement. Being a tool to vent and show their twisted and disgusting fetish.

Surrounded by men who're cheering for her misery.
Shrinking her body, she doesn't have anywhere to run anymore as a wall is on her back, but she still tries to drill herself into the wall. 
Her eyes were full of fear as she cried silently. Tears streamed down her beautiful face. But these tears seem to arouse the men's desire even more. 
Urging the man crouching close to Clementine to cut the barely holding on piece of clothing hiding her chest with a knife. 
Gem even noticed the bruises and wounds that's still bleeding on her arms, obviously cut roughly by a knife, and some burned from cigarettes. 
Gem's eyes were full of killing intent as she swept her gaze to the men who'd been watching the excitement as if she'd been looking at dead men. 
"These animals"


You still there? Suddenly remembered this story of mine after almost a month haguguguhaha... Sorry~

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