The Adoptive sister

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*At school*

??:*Look at her report card* Dang it. Another low grades...

Student 1(Girl): Wow Pearl. I though your going to get a high grades especially in science and biology since...both your adoptive brothers are an animal researcher and a rescue team


"The same thing..."

*At Kratt's family house*

Linda: Don't worry about that honey. Even though your grades are low, your still part of this family. We adopted you because we want give you a better life-

Pearl: If it was a better life then why people keep comparing me to brother Chris and brother Martin ?

Linda: Oh. Maybe-*Saw her computer that was in video chat mode* Oh look. Your brothers is calling us *Went to her computer*


"The same excuse..."

*At Pearl's room*

Pearl:*Look at box with few electronic devices* My dream was to become a paranormal investigator...finding a weird anomaly...finding a certain place if they were haunted or not...but...I don't know if they can accept my dream or not...*close the box and put it away while sigh*

*At the same time*

Linda:*From outside of the room while knocking on the door* Pearl sweetie. Can you send this cookies to the treehouse at the front of our house ?

Pearl: You mean the threehouse where those kids hangout

Linda: That's right

Pearl: Fine...

*At treehouse area*

Pearl:*Saw Gavin and his friends* Hey ! My mom brought some cookies !

Gavin:*Feel delighted* Thanks Pearl ! *Take the plastic jar of cookies* How about you come and hangout with us ?

Pearl: I...will pass. I want to go to the town *Walk away*

Gavin: Okay...?

*At town*

Pearl:*Take a sip of her smoothie* It's the last day of school...but I'm not really sure if I was ready for next year's school even though it was wayyy too early...ugh !...I hope there was anything that I can do to achieve my dreams without being judge !

"Do you want to escape your life to start a new way of life ?"

Pearl: I do I guess...

"Do you want a place for yourself where you can be independent ?"

Pearl: Yeah of course

"You want to build your dreams that was shattered ?"

Pearl: Yes !-*Realize it* Just hold on second...*Look at it*

Pearl: A neighbouring and vacation offer ?

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Pearl: A neighbouring and vacation offer ?....*Get up and went to it*

Grey-haired man:*Saw her* Well hello there little missy. What can I do for you ?

Pearl:*Look at many flyers until an interesting flyer caught her attention*....*Take it* Pine Lake ?

Grey-haired man: Mhm. A peaceful neighbourhood. For place for moving and vacation. And...

"It may full of mystery. Who knows ?"

Pearl:*Feel interested* Do you think there's any...weird anomaly or paranormal ?

Grey-haired man: Like I said. It's a mystery...

Pearl: Hm...

*At Kratt family's house*

Pearl:*Look at the flyer again* Maybe it's a chance for me to be more independent...but...should I leave ? Maybe I shouldn't leave...but...*Remember it*


Grey-haired man: You seems to have a problem little missy.

Pearl: How you know ?

Grey-haired man: I was capable of sensing someone's feelings and I can sense that you have a problem

Pearl:...*Sigh*'s a long story actually...

Grey-haired man: You don't really have to tell it if your problem was too personal. Btw, I'm Loid and I want to give some advise to you. It's something simple but...

"Follow what your heart said. It will give you a right choice"

*Flashback end*

Pearl:...*Inhale and exhale* I have decide...*Bring out paper and pencil then writing a letter*

*Few hours later*

To my beloved family

"It's not your guys fault. It's time for me to be more independent and braver like my foster brothers. I'm going to chase my dreams as a paranormal inveatigator. I don't care if some people judging me. guys didn't accepted it. It's my dreams even though I'm still a teen. Thanks for everything and we will meet again."

From Pearl

Pearl:*Feel statified with the letter and put it on the table*

*After she make sure everything is ready, she take her luggage and other stuff then heading out. At train station*

Pearl:*Look at the scenery while hearing music*....

"Pine Lake. Here I come..."

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