Dark Dream arc 2: Rosa Kobayashi pt.2

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*During evening*

Rosa:*Arrive with Tsu* We're back !

Tsu:...There's no answer...Nee-san...

"It's been 1 week now since they went out on a bussiness trip"


Tsu: They said only 1 week but they haven't come back yet

Rosa:*Sigh*...Maybe...they still have other work. I guess ?

Tsu:*Feel sad*

Rosa: Don't worry Tsu...Nee-san will always be with you...atleast you got a new magical girl plushie you got earlier right ?

Tsu:*Smile a little bit while nooded*

*After that at Rosa room*

Rosa:*Open the wrapper of the gift and realize that it was a crystal* Huh ? *Put it on the table*

Rosa:*Open the wrapper of the gift and realize that it was a crystal* Huh ? *Put it on the table*

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Rosa: It look strange...same goes with the black substance...

"Break the crystal and unleash the power"

Rosa:*Hear it* Who is that ?!

*No answer*

Rosa:...*Hear Tsu calling her* Coming ! *Went out*

*The next day, at pre-school*

Rosa: Wait if I was late, okay ?

Tsu: Okay ! *Went inside*

*At the same time*

Pre-school teacher: Rosa. Can I have some moment with you ?

Rosa: Ah. Sure...what is it ?

Pre-school teacher: Did something happen at home ? Because Tsu sometimes said that your parents wasn't around

Rosa: It's a bussiness trip. Even though I think that it was not one...

Pre-school teacher:*Feel bad* How about you try to call them ? Or stay with any relatives ? I just feel bad for both you and Tsu

Rosa: I try to call them but sometimes fail...and we live far from other relatives but...I will try to find a way. Please take care of Tsu

Pre-school teacher:*Smile* I will don't worry

Rosa:*Smile back before walk away*

*At highschool*

Rosa:*Went to her class until realize it* Huh ? What's with the sad face everyone

Classmate 1:*Feel bad while showing her phone*

"Our homeclass teacher is cheating with your mom"

Rosa:*Look at it and speechless* It...can't be...

"No wonder why Mr Suzuki was absent

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"No wonder why Mr Suzuki was absent..."

"I feel bad for Rosa"

"How evil they are"

"What will happen to Rosa and her little sister now ?


*After school. At pre-school*

Tsu:*Saw Rosa* Nee-san-*Realize* Nee-san ? Are you alright ?

Rosa:...*Smile weakly* I'm just tired that's all. Let's go home and cook dinner together

Tsu: Okay !

Pre-school teacher:....

*As they almost arrive, they saw it*

Rosa: Huh ?

Man 1: Are you sure we should kill them ? Aren't they too young ?

Man 2: This is what our client want. We have to kill the girl and her little sister too

Rosa:(W-What ?! Kill us ?!)

Crystal:*Glowing from Rosa bag*

Rosa:*Realize it* W-What ?...Is that mean they were a threat ?

Tsu: Nee-san ? What's with them ? Why they were infront of our house ?

Rosa:...*Carry Tsu* Let's go to other direction...it's currently not safe *Run away*

*Tsu was confused at first then she started to realize that both her and Rosa was in great danger...*

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