Bonus story

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*1 week later, at the local hospital*

Pearl:*Writing on her journal while coughing a little bit* This is suck...

Lyn: Atleast it's not that bad...

Austin: But I feel so weak...

Troy: Well the doctor said that we were allowed to discharge after 3 days

Karla: waiting after 3 days feels like...a week

Troy: Yeah...

*At the same time*

Rebeka:*Arrive with Vince and Violet*...Hey guys

Vince: We bring some gifts for you guys

Violet: Hope you guys will get well soon

Rebeka: Yeah...but I also wanted to apologize too

Pearl: For...what ?


*She started to explain everything, all about mansion causing them to go speechless*

Pearl: That...mansion was belong to your adoptive father ?!

Austin: And your adoptive dad was Vander ?!

Rebeka: Yeah...the thing that you guys see was his memories. All about what happen to his family aka the Von Family. I'm sorry that this father already ask Mr Loid to make a cure for you guys...and again, I apologize...

Five of them:*Look at each other*

Pearl:...*Sigh* It's also our fault too. We're being too curious that we forgot the main point...

Karla: The potentional danger

Austin: Yeah...

Troy and Lyn: Don't blame yourself


Five of them:*Smile*

"We forgive all of you and let's be friends back"

*At Steel Rose Mansion*

Sanyo: It's been awhile Vander. Your now tall and handsome. I wonder if you have a girlfriend yet

Vander: Please sir...we're not talking about that

Sanyo: Just chill. It's nice to meet one of the former student of mine. So where's your adoptive daughter ?

Vander: Visiting her friends

Sanyo: I see...well. I think it should be nice to let your newest Darkness Servants recruit meeting other Darkness Servant. I'm pretty sure they will manage to get along

Vander: I know but what they will about...other dimension-

Odette:*Went out from the kitchen with others* There's another dimension ?!

Rosa and Tsu: How it looks like ?

Azen: Tell us more please ? It sounds interesting

Sanyo: Looks like they manage to accept it. What do you think ?

Vander:...*Smile a little bit* You were right, sir.

"I think it will be fine for them to learn and know more about it"


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