Dark Dream arc 1: Azen Crocovado pt.2

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*At Canada*

Azen:*Look around* Woah...

Aviva: Can you stay here for a moment along with Aster ? Me and the others want to find some wedding gift

Azen: Sure is

*So the adults leave*

Aster: Wanna get some poutine ?

Azen: Sounds fine to me-*Being bumped* ?!

"Ah ! My apologize...are you alright ?"

Azen: Don't worry about that sir, I'm fine...just be careful next time

"I will noted that. I better go now"

Azen: Alright *Look at the guy that was leaving*

Aster: Weird...*Look down and saw it* Hey Azen. Look *Point at it*

Azen: Huh ? *Pick it up* A crystal ?

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Azen: Huh ? *Pick it up* A crystal ?

Aster: Look at the black substance inside it

Azen: It kinda reminds me of lava lamp...*Feel his stomach growl* Let's get something to eat first

Aster: Alright then

*Few hours later when everyone has settled their job. At cottage*

Koki:*Saw it* Sonia !

Sonia: Guys ! *Went towards them with joy* I can't believe that you guys are here already

Martin: We want to help with the preperations. That's what Aviva said

Chris: Yup. So ? Where's the lucky guy your going to married ?

Sonia: He's prepare some marinated seafood for dinner. Come on

Azen:*Feel something's not right*....

Aster: You good ?

Azen:...Your not going to believe it...*Walk away*

Aster: ?? (Did he suddenly have a mood swing or something ?)

*Inside the cottage*

Sonia:*Arrive* Den. This is the friends I was talking about

Den: Ah. It's a pleasure to meet you guys

Jimmy: Yup. So...since your cooking a seafood, how about I make some pizza ?

Den: That sounds good. You can use the traditional pizza oven at the outside

Jimmy: Hell yeah !

Azen: Oh...*Hear it* Huh ?

Aviva: What's the matter ?

Azen: Well...I wonder is there a moose or wild animals ?

Den: Of course. They mostly on the south. Sometimes they often roam here to find some food

Azen: I see...no wonder I heard a noise outside...(I don't really think it's an animal...)

*After lunch. At place where the wedding will be held*

Sonia: What I love about the cottage, they also include other package like wedding package. This is the reason why we choose this place

Koki: Not just being near to the nature, it also really beautiful

Martin: I agree. It also a perfect place to view sunrise and sunset

Chris: I agree bro

*As they continue talking, Azen watch from far*

Azen:*Quietly bring out the crystal and look at it* It looks odd...

"If you desperate...break it...unleash the power..."

Azen: ?! *Look around*....For sake...I think I heard it-*Saw it* Huh ?

Den:*Look around and walk into the forest*

Azen:....*Quietly follow him*

*At the deep inside the forest*

Azen:*Hide among the bushes* Hm...*Saw it and realize* ?!

Zach: Everything is going base on the plan ?

Den: Yeah. Aunt Paisley will be happy if I manage to take this place down

Donita: Not just that. With your help, we will also gain more access towards Wild Kratt's place and have all of the creature power

Gaston: Haha. You are more smarter than that former student of mine. That stupid Karla just betrayed and leave !

Dabio: But...one problem. I think I can feel that someone will be suspected

Den: I know that and it should be the other boy. Crocovado's little brother

Zach: What ?! She has a little brother ?!

Den: Yeah...but no worries. Base on his physical appearance and speech, I can tell that he has low-self esteem and lack of confidence. He probaly wouldn't dare to tell them and he feel that they wouldn't believe him

Donita: Huh. That actually make sense

Zach: Have that point. Well...when we should start ? Do we really have to wait until the wedding ?

Den: Screw wedding. We will attack tomorrow. I also want you to command some of your zachbots to do some stuff

Zach: Got it

*With Azen*

Azen:*Hear all the conversation* My phone *Try to search it but remember it* Damn it. I left it inside the other cabin...I should tell them...but...

"What happen if they don't believe me ?"

*Back with them*

Aviva:*Saw him* Azen. Where did you go ? I was worried you know ?

Azen:....Sis...tell others...to be careful tomorrow...

Aviva: What ? Why ?

Azen:....You and others wouldn't believe it anyways...*Walk away*

Aviva: Azen....

*At other cabin*

Azen:*Lay down on the bed as he started to cry*...I...will never...be good enough....

"For sis...for everyone..."

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