Dark Dream arc 1: Azen Crocovado Pt.3

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*The next day*

Aviva: Azen ? Azen ! Where are you ?!

Koki: Couldn't find him ?

Aviva: No. Even in his room where he stay

Martin: He couldn't just dissapear-

Jimmy: A ghost kidnapped him ?!

Aster: I don't think so...he's acting weird since yesterday...

Aviva: I also realize that...but he keeps it for himself...

Aster: Well...how about this. I will look for him while you guys helping Sonia and Den

Chris: Are you sure about that ?

Aster: Trust me

Aviva: Alright then...be careful

Aster:*Nooded and leave*

*After awhile, something happen*

Sonia:*Arrive while panicking* This is bad news ! Den...Den is...

"Surprise !!!"

All of them:*Shocked* ?!?!

*With Aster*

Aster:*Walking until saw a cave* Huh ? *Went towards it* It was collapsed...but I don't think it was a natural cause...well...*Bring out mole creature power disc* Let's find out


Azen:*Feel the pain* Ugh...

Few Zachbots:*Went into the other side of the cave*

Azen:*Try to get up while coughing* What did they have inject me with...*Cough until hear it* ?

Aster:*In his mole creature form while dig out* Whe-*Saw it* Azen ?!

Azen: Aster-*Coughing*

Aster:*Went towards him* This...you have been poisoned

Azen:*Coughing*....Den...he's evil...he work with other villains that you and the others knows...they attacking now...help them !...Especially Aviva...

Aster: What ?!

*At the same time*

Few more Zachbots:*Arrive*

Azen: Leave !

Aster: Are you dumb ?! I won't leave you with this condition !

Azen: Please...I will buy more time...*Bring out electric-shock device* This will help...you have to leave...I will handle this...


Aster:...Fine. Be strong and don't die ! *Went back into the hole before covering it back*

Azen:*Get up* This device has been remake...it can defeated robots...

Few Zachbots:*Heading towards him*

Azen: Grh...*Heading towards them* HIARRGH !!!!

*With them*

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