The floating mansion🔹

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*At Farn's Bed And Breakfast*

Hunter 1: It's been few weeks since that floating mansion appear

Local barber: Ikr ? It started off with an odd fog and then turn into a mansion

Hunter 2: But...since that mansion appear, many tourist that always do nasty stuff leaves and never bothering us. Maybe it's a sign of good luck ?

Local barber: Probaly

Hunter 1: I agree

*Far from them*

Pearl: That floating mansion spread like a wildfire

Austin: Yeah, everyone thinks that it was a good luck

Lyn: Even so, no one even dare to go there

Troy: Hey...I think we should go there

Pearl: I'm...not so sure about that...even though I like weird stuff, but that mansion give me an odd feeling-

Rebeka:*Arrive* Hey guys !

Pearl: Rebeka

Rebeka: People are talking about the mansion and it sounds fascinating

Karla: it dangerous ?

Rebeka: It's not dangerous

Troy: How can you be so sure about that ?

Rebeka:...*Smile then get up*

"You guys have to find it yourself"

All of them:....

*At Steel Rose mansion*

Duke:*Look around* Never though that this mansion can float

Loid: Of course...if humans can create something ordinary, we also can do that

Duke: I see...anyways, does...Lord with someone ?

Loid: Hm...Not sure about that. Why ?

Duke: Uhh...I kinda heard a voice of a woman coming from his room 2 or 3 days ago. It's not Sika or Mrs Grenda since they also heard the same things

Loid: I see I see...I probaly wasn't around at that time

Duke: Yeah...and why you said 'I see' even though your eyes were closed most of the time ?

Loid: I have another sense, pal

Duke: Uhh....

*Back with them*

Pearl: So...everyone agree to went to that mansion ?

Austin: Yeah. We can rent a boat to go there

Lyn: I already ask my Ma and Pa to look after Sandy and Taffy

Karla: We will leave of it was dangerous right ?

Troy: Yup

Pearl: And make sure to stick together

All of them:*Nooded*

*At outside*

Azen:*Hear their conversation* They want to go there

Rosa: Do we really have to hurt them ? It's because of their curiosity

Odette: We should ask Young Lady first

Azen: Yeah I agree

*And so, three of them quickly leave. At forest*

Mason:*Looking around until heard it* ? *Bring out his dagger and went to the voice source*....Well...

"Looks like we meet again..."


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