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We all pray for someone. Friends, family, for ourselves. Sometimes we do things for ourselves, sometimes for our loved ones, and seldom for strangers.

After their last argument, he was yet to speak to Ameena.

Despite being confronted with the truth about his role in Gorya's life, he was neither angry nor worried. He wasn't even thinking about his own feelings, but instead wondering what Ameena might be feeling.

A sense of freedom came over him, as if someone had torn the negatives from the camera and said, "This is who you are!".

"You're thinking about her. She's nice to you, isn't she?" As Thyme interrupted his train of thought catching him in moments of weakness.

He shook his head. "No, I don't".

"Then why did you go to such lengths to remove images of her and yourself from the campus message board?"

The incident in question occurred when he was walking back to the campus, a party bus stopped on the opposite side. The gold metallic door slid open and a giggly Ameena got down. She shook hands with a stranger in a furry dress before yelling "Off you go!" in an unflattering pitch at the bus.

Tipsy and loose, she spotted him before he could hide.

"Ren! Ren! My new friend! Do you have a girlfriennn?", her last syllables getting slurry by the minute.

Great. She's drunk now.

"Don't do that," he told her as she slipped on the pavement. "You'll regret it when you sober up." He caught her before she rolled all over the place.

This is the scene in movies where you hear faint classical music while the main characters are off to some mischief.

What happens now? That's the right question to ask when a person you barely know says they're interested in you. The F4 receives many confessions, and letters proclaiming pure love.

But this was not just any confession, it was an invitation to make a fresh start.

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