chapter 5

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Chapter 5: cricket crew

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Aster waved at Ade who walked in the café. The writer smiled at her best friend and walked to the front.

"What can I get you today Ade?" Aster asked. She hummed, "A black coffee and a muffin for today." She said. Aster nodded and accepted the money.

"You ready to meet your brothers?" she asked. Ade looked at her, "Are they working today?" she asked.

Aster nodded, "Yeah they just got in." she said. The writer hummed and nodded before smiling and walking to her usual seat.

She has been going to the café daily, writing down the regulars that she thought would be perfect for her book.

Her thoughts were everywhere, looking from the musicians to the old couple to the business men in the corner. Aster was right, the café was filled with different characters.

"Your order." Her thoughts were interrupted when her coffee was placed on her table. "Thank you." she said looking up.

The moment she did, her jaw dropped. There stood in front of her was one of her half-brothers. Her lips turned up into a smile and tilted her head, "You're all grown up now." she said.

He smiled at her and chuckled, "I guess." He said. She grinned and stood up, wrapping him in a hug. "Oh Ran." She said. He hummed and hugged back, "It's nice to finally meet you in person Ade." He said.

"Ran?" They pulled away to look at him. Bill stood there confused but when he saw who his brother was hugging, he gasped.

Rushing to her, Bill hugged her tight, "You're here." He whispered. Ade chuckled and hugged him the same way she hugged the older brother. "Yeah. Me and Adie were gonna visit you at dad's later." She said before pulling away.

"Adie's here too?" Ran asked excitedly. Ade smiled and nodded, "Yeah, she's just at work but she'll be here later." She said. "Oh. Well then we'll wait for her after the shift." Bill said.

"When do you guys get off?" she asked. "We only have half the day, we usually have class but it got cancelled earlier." Ran explained.

Ade nodded, "Right, media studies right?" Bill nodded, "It's where we're best at." "Good. Follow your dreams." She said.

"If Adie's at work, what are you doing here?" Bill asked. Ran nudged him, "Not that it's a bad thing." He finished for his brother.

"I'm working, I guess." She said motioning to her notes. The boys' eyes brightened and grinned at her, "You're writing your book here?" they asked at the same time.

She nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I'm trying to at least." She said. Bill nodded, "Well you can do it. Dad said you never give up so we believe in you." he said as Ran nodded in agreement.

She chuckled and nodded, "Thank you boys." They were about to say something when Aster called out for them. They sighed but she waved them off, "No worries, I'll be here all day boys."

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The boys just got off their shift when their friends arrived. The two immediately introduced their friends to their sister.

Ade learned that her brothers had a group of their own with some peculiar characters.

For one there was Ran's best friend, Tubbo. He was a bee keeper and was most probably the sweetest out of everyone in the group.

There was then Tommy, the youngest but also the loudest. She also noticed that he was also the most passionate of them all.

Freddie was the most quiet and like her brother Bill was bisexual. He acted as though the most mature out of everyone.

The next one was Aimsey, she was the eldest but also the smallest who made the boys to tease her about it. She also learned about how she was a lesbian which she thought was brave to share to someone she just met. She acted as the parental figure as expected which made her remind herself of herself.

"So Ade, I can call you Ade right?" Tommy asked excitedly. The writer nodded as Ran sat next to her flipping through her notes.

"Okay, great! Ran and Bill told us you might need some help with your book? We can help if you want!" Tommy suggested.

Tubbo nodded excited, "Oh yes please! It would be great to help." He said. Ade chuckled as the rest of the teens agreed, "Well then, it's settled. I accept your offer." She said making them cheer.

Ade waved her hands, "Quiet down. We don't want to cause that much attention." She said. Aimsey scoffed, "Hanging out with them Ade? You'll learn how to get used to it." she said making them laugh.

Ade watched as her brothers messed and joked about with their friends. It was a nice sight to see and if she could keep the memory forever, she would.

That was when the idea popped in her head. "You know what guys, you guys inspired me on what to do with my book." She said with a grin.

"Really?" they all asked making her laugh amusedly and nod. "How do you guys feel about an interview?" they all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Won't be a problem." Ran said and Bill nodded, "As long as it will help you sissy." He said. Her heart swelled and her smile widened. "Thank you." she said with the utmost of emotion that she could.

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