Day -3

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Day -3

Jisung was currently sitting in a cafe stirring the straw of his ice americano and he listened to Hyunjin rattle on about the date he and Changbin had gone on recently, it had been their first year anniversary and the shorter boy had wanted to make it a special occasion.

"And then we went to this drive-in cinema! I think we were watching something like Grease?" Hyunjin frowned and moved his eyes upwards trying to think back to what the film was. "Either way we didn't really watch it, we were too busy getting–"

"Okayy that's enough of that thanks Hyunjin" Chan butted in before Hyunjin would expose his and Changbin's sex life.

Felix sniggered as he watched Changbin glow a light red from Hyunjin's extravagant explanations. Hyunjin gave the rosy cheeks a short peck and whispered a small 'sorry' to his boyfriend.

"Anyways, can we actually discuss what we came here to do?" Seungmin leant back on his chair, crossing his arms. They had already been there for almost an hour and hadn't even begun to talk about the trip they were supposed to plan.

"Should've just done it over the group chat" Jeongin muttered beside Seungmin as he picked at his chocolate chip muffin, only half invested in the conversations taking place.

"Okay" Chan started taking the lead and leaning forward placing his hands linked together on the table.

"Finally" responded Jisung, he didn't need to listen to how amazing the other's relationships were whilst he sat there all alone.

"Okay, so the beach cabin we are in has four rooms so I'm guessing we all want to be with our boyfriends." Chan looked to Felix to see if his own boyfriend was happy with that. Instead of seeing a smile, Felix was pouting and looking at Jisung who was fiddling with the straw of his drink.

"You wanna room with Sung?" Chan nudged his boyfriend getting his attention.

Felix shrugged and bit his lip," I feel bad, Ji will be so lonely especially if we are all in couples for sleeping arrangements"

Jisung looked up and scoffed, "Who says I don't have a boyfriend huh?"

Hyunjin burst out in laughter after Jisung's response, "Sung if you have a boyfriend you would be screaming about it everywhere, and you were literally complaining about being single just the other day"

Jisung huffed and frowned, "I- well... he just doesn't want to be open about it at the moment"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "Well I guess cause he's imaginary you can bring him with you, we have the room"

"You actually have a boyfriend hyung?!" Jeongin sounded ecstatic.

"Mhmm" Jisung nodded quickly, " I'm sure he will come if I ask him"

"Jisung if you do actually have a boyfriend then he is more than invited, but please don't find a random guy to come if you are lying. We don't need a replay of the new year party" Chan gave Jisung a warning.

Ah yes, the New Years Eve party, when Jisung's alleged boyfriend was found making out with some girl instead of him during the countdown.

"He's real hyung!" Jisung gave a firm nod.

"Okay, well I guess if Ji's boyfriend does come then I don't mind being with you Channie" Felix smiled and bounced happily in his seat.

"Perfect" Chan smiled and smiled back at Felix.

"Okay let's discuss travel and expenses" Chan announced, the group groaned loudly at that. 

Ji's Guide to Fake Dating - Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now