Day 3

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Day 3

When Jisung woke up the next morning he wasn't expecting to find himself lying on top of Minho on the sofa, covered in a blanket. He could feel the older boy's arm wrapped around his waist clearly to stop him from falling off the sofa. As he came to his senses, Jisung could hear some of the others up and clearly eating breakfast already, from the smell of it Felix had made waffles and pancakes for the group. Just before Jisung made an attempt to move, the older shifted underneath him, the hand on his waist tightening before loosening again.

Jisung had never seen Minho's face so close up, especially fresh from sleep. It was slightly puffy and his hair was a mess but Jisung couldn't deny how handsome he looked, he let out a small sigh remembering that after this week he wouldn't be this close to Minho again unless, of course, the older happens to stay round his house.

"Morning Jagi" Minho's raspy voice voiced out as he slowly opened his eyes to see Jisung peering at him.

"Hey" Jisung smiled softly through his own sleepy eyes. He was slightly surprised when Minho leaned forward and kissed him softly.

"Oh Ji and hyung you're awake! I made some pancakes and waffles for breakfast if you want something before we head to the beach" Felix announced as he walked towards the sofa just as the two disconnected from their kiss. Sly Minho.

"Oh morning Lix, sure will be there in a min, just going to get dressed" Jisung ruffled his hair and sat up with Minho.

The older let the boy pull him up to their room so they could freshen up and change into a new pair of clothes for the beach trip.


"I wonder why Ji never mentioned anything about Minho hyung before" Jeongin questioned as he picked up another pancake and began smothering it with syrup.

"Yeah, like even before they began dating I didn't realise they knew each other and I know both of them" Hyunjin agreed as he went for some more coffee from the pot that would soon need re-filling.

"I doubt they are actually dating" Felix commented not really thinking about it as he cooked up some more pancakes ready for the mentioned couple.

"Right?!" Hyunjin expressed happily, "Glad I'm not the only one"

"I don't know, Ji does seem happier around Minho, there could be a reason for them hiding it, especially with you guys refusing to believe they are actually dating" Chan rolled his eyes at the two boys who clearly didn't believe.

"But babe have you seen them? They barely act like a couple! I think they are putting it on" Felix turned to his boyfriend talking in english, spatula in hand waving it about.

"Lixie, just cause they aren't as PDA as us doesn't mean they aren't together. Besides Changbin isn't a fan of PDA. Also, we know that some people prefer to be more intimate when they are alone." Chan kissed Felix's temple to calm him down before he blew up from the conversation.

"Fine, who thinks they are a couple?" Seungmin sighed as he poured some lemon onto his own pancakes as well as Innie's.

Chan, Seungmin, and Changbin all raised their own hands.

"And not?" Hyunjin, Felix and Jeongin raised their hands this time.

"Well that was pointless Minnie, it's literally a draw" Jeongin tutted and went back to his food.

"What are you guys voting on?" Jisung asked as he hopped down the last step of the stairs before making his way to the kitchen to grab some coffee and ice.

Ji's Guide to Fake Dating - Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now