Day 4

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Day 4

That night Jisung struggled to fall asleep, he didn't know whether it was from his leg aching slightly, the closeness of Minho or just his brain feeling all fuzzy. Maybe it was all three. Regardless he slowly slipped out of his bed and pulled on one of Minho's sweaters that was laying on the swinging seat and made his way downstairs to grab a glass of water, hoping that some liquid would help him feel sleepy.

It was just past midnight and so Jisung was surprised that no one else was up, especially no one scoffing down a bowl of instant ramen. Jisung's stomach rumble at the thought but he settled for a couple of Felix's chocolate chip cookies instead.

Walking past the dining table and over to the small balcony that they had that looked out to a small beach area, Jisung sat on the hammock to get some fresh air.

The boy really didn't know how he was going to go back to normal with Minho after this week. Crazily enough nothing had been awkward with them acting like a couple, if anything it seemed too natural. It scared Jisung slightly that Minho was so good at pretending he truly liked him in that way. The thought made Jisung shiver, there was no way Minho liked him back. Tugging the sleeves past his hands the squirrel boy finished his glass of water before laying down in the hammock to stare up at the night sky.

One leg on the ground to lightly swing before he curled up and tried to make out the constellations, it was no use, he always struggled to point out anything besides Orion the hunter.

The boy barely registered his eyes slowly shutting as he fell asleep to the cool wind and the rocking of the hammock.


"Hey Ji you awake?" Chan lightly shook the boy who was still fast asleep on the hammock outside despite it being eleven in the morning. The group didn't have anything planned today mainly because of Jisung's leg. But also Chan didn't want everyone out in the sun constantly claiming that he wants everyone to be healthy and safe from it.

Jisung lifted up an arm and rubbed his eyes as he spotted Chan shake him.

"Did you sleep out here Sung?"

Jisung let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes,"didn't mean to"

Chan smiled softly and helped the boy sit up.

"I need to put some cream on your leg, so if you wanna stay in the hammock feel free, I can get Felix to bring you out some food, him and Minho cooked breakfast for us. You never told us your boyfriend was an amazing cook" Chan grinned.

" Well he doesn't cook for me that often cause our schedules don't align properly but yeah he's a good chef" Jisung smiled sleepily as he remembered the time he was sick and badgered Minho to come round and cook food for him, read as: Minho insisted in coming round to make sure Jisung was okay.

"Well I'll grab you a plate and the cream. You just chill out here" Chan stretched up from where he was kneeling.

It didn't take long for the eldest to come back with a plate full of food for the quokka and the prescribed cream. Jisung quickly grabbed the plate to start eating, he didn't even have to question what was on his plate he knew that if Minho and Felix cooked it, it would be tasty.

"Oh wow it's cleared up a lot" Chan noticed as he pulled away the old bandage. The wound was already healing nicely. Chan gently applied a thick layer of cream before wrapping it up with a new bandage.

"The others are inside setting up a game of monopoly if you wanna join?" Chan asked as he made sure the bandage was secure on Jisung's leg.

"Oh..I'm fine just being out here,if someone could possibly get me some water and my book though" Jisung asked slightly unsure if he really wanted to be around a lot of people right now.

Ji's Guide to Fake Dating - Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now