Day 6

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Day 6

Chan was awake before anyone else just like every other day, he was already starting to prepare for their barbecue. Despite most things getting cooked when they sat eating, Chan wanted to make sure that he was prepared with all the snacks as well. He also still needed to wrap up Felix's gift that he had found. It was a small plaque he had found that had an engraved cookie recipe on it.

He also needed to talk to Minho. After the two boys had stormed out Chan had quickly made everyone finish eating and decided to avoid talking to Hyunjin and Felix for the rest of the evening. The only time he spoke to Felix was when he had asked why the boy wanted to find out it was fake. Of course, Lix had broken down in tears after regretting how he and Hyunjin had behaved which ended with Chan hugging him and breaking off his planned 'no cuddling' punishment after the way they acted.

Finishing up his own cereal and making sure the meat was out to de-frost, Chan made his way upstairs to Minho and Jisung's room. He gave a light knock before hearing a soft 'come in'. Minho was wide awake and reading whilst Jisung was wrapped up against him with his head on the older's chest, arm around his waist and legs tangled lightly.

"Hey hyung" Minho gave a small smile as he put the bookmark in his book.

"Hey, can we talk in a bit? Of course we don't have to until Jisung wakes, cause I think he'd be pretty mad at getting woken up at nine" Chan joked lightly as he leant against the door.

"Sure! Gimme like twenty minutes so I can get ready, where will you be?" Minho asked as he took off his glasses and placed them on the side.

"I'll be out near the balcony setting up the barbecue so just come and find me there" Chan nodded and gave a quick goodbye.


"What did you wanna chat about hyung?" Minho spoke up as he walked down the balcony steps to the small concrete aread which held the barbecue.

"Oh hey, well i'm pretty sure you can guess it's about Jisung" Chan motioned towards the picnic bench for them to sit down comfortably. Minho opting to sit opposite the boy.

"Right, yeah I should've guessed that" Minho let out an awkward laugh. It was obvious that they would need to talk about it and get an understanding on what is actually happening.

Bang Chan let out a small breath, "Can you tell me, are you actually dating or is it really pretend?"

Minho shut his eyes briefly already knowing that Chan would want an anwser to everything that's happened this past week.

"Honestly Hyung, it's complicated" Minho confessed as he scratched the back of his neck looking at his new older friend.

"How so?" Chan tilted his head an raised an eyebrow.

Minho looked down at his hands and started fiddling with them, a nervous traited he had picked up from Jisung.

"Basically, it's fake, but for me the feelings arent"

Minho heard the older take in a sharp breath and it was a few seconds until he spoke, but didn't dare look up to see his expressions.

"I can tell, that the feelings are real I mean" Chan began. Minho glanced up and saw that Chan had a small smile on his face.

"I knew from the moment you noticed Jisung was having an anxious episode and got him some cheesecake to help him, that you understood him. The way you made sure he was okay, and didn't push him to talk or get involved in anything. And the way you defended him immediately yesterday" Chan explained.

"I don't know why Hyunjin and Felix were so adamant at trying to expose us" Minho ran a finger along the crevice of the wood on the table.

"I think they are protecting Jisung, he's had a bad run in with fake dates and just dating in general and so they were probably trying to figure out if you actually cared for him or not" Chan described as he thought back to all the questions they threw at both Minho and Jisung.

Ji's Guide to Fake Dating - Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now