Day 5

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Day 5

Jisung pulled the duvet closer as he slowly woke up, he didn't remember ever going to bed, the last thing he could think about happening was Changbin putting on Big Hero Six and Minho's finger's through his hair.

Rolling over Jisung bumped his head into Minho's side.

"You finally waking up?" Minho chuckled as the hand returned to Jisung's hair just as he remembered last night.

"Why are you awake?" Jisung croaked out as he opened his eyes lightly and looked up at Minho who was sat reading his book in their shared bed.

"I woke up, because someone kept kicking me" Minho tilted his head and looked at Jisung.

Jisung blushed and hid his face in the pillow by his head, "Sorry, you should've woken me"

Minho let out a soft chuckle, "It's fine you really needed the sleep, and now that you are awake I can put some cream on your leg. Last night you didn't wake up so I had to do it whilst trying not to wake you" Minho explained as he pulled himself out of the bed and went into their ensuite to grab the bandage and the cream.

"Couldn't you have done it whilst I was sleeping like last time" Jisung huffed as he pulled himself to sit up so that he could undo the bandage himself ready for Minho.

"Well I'd rather not be worried about waking you up" Minho explained as he came back out of the bathroom with the cream and bandage.

Jisung nodded and finished off untying the old bandage. Luckily the wound was healing nicely and he hadn't yet had any side effects from the jellyfish.

"I heard today we are going to the shops and markets by the sea front" Jisung grinned as Minho started to apply the cream.

"Yeah, I think there's a market going on and of course just the shops along the beachfront in general" Minho smiled as he made sure all the wound was covered.

"Will your leg be okay to walk on?" Minho questioned as he began to wrap the new bandage.

"It should be, but I may need to rest every so often" Jisung sighed hoping that he wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience to the group as they went shopping.

"If it starts to hurt, let me know and i'll carry you for a bit, or we can sit down for a break" Minho ruffled Jisung's hair as he stood up before making his way downstairs.

Just like the other day the beach was packed full of people ready to surf and sun bath, the streets all lined with markets and the shops doors wide open to let in the heat. The group walked past a series of different vendors, some selling food such as fish and chips, and hot dogs, others selling more korean stuff street food like tteokkboki and Bungeoppang. Jisung's mouth dropped at the size of them, far bigger than the normal size you would get in the markets and on the streets in Seoul.

"You want one?" Minho asked as he saw Jisung stare at the sweet food as they walked past the stalls that had them freshly cooked.

"Maybe later" Jisung said as he turned his face forward to not get distracted by them.

"I won't let you forget" Minho chuckled as he took one of Jisung's hands and intertwined it with his own.

"Minnie I wanna go to the arcade" Jeongin pouted as he pointed to the direction of were thearcade would usually be. Instead there was scaffolding in front of it and a large poster claiming it was shut for re-furbishments.

"You'd think that they would do the re-decorating during winter" Changbin commented as the group past the building and saw that it wasn't going to be open for another couple of weeks.

Ji's Guide to Fake Dating - Minsung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now